Sick Nick.

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Zayn's POV. I was furious with the kids. I had told both of them to go downstairs and find themselves a corner and while they did that, I called Chad over to discuss what happened with him.

Chad looked at me confused at first, seeing the red spot on my forehead.

I scowl, hoping he will at least help me with punishing these two kids.

It will take a lot of stress off of me and being Nick is sick, I am the only one who's really been watching over the kids lately.

So, if he could take one of the kids and deal with one of them while I deal with the other, it would be a lot better.

"Alright, so I just walked upstairs because I had heard a strange noise and it sounded like a ball bouncing around in the house, so I went to check it out. I got up to the top and stopped at the first bedroom where the noise was coming from, I walked in and no longer did I blink I got hit in the head with a tennis ball. Keira's room is completely destroyed. Clothes are everywhere, on her fan, the floor, her room is a disaster. Both of them are in major trouble and I was just hoping you could take on one of them so we can get this done with as quick as possible, because if I'm being completely honest, I have a horrid headache, and I just wanna chill out on the couch," I explain, sighing slightly.

"They did what now?!?! Oh, they are so in for it. They both know Nick is sick, yet they do this?! I can't believe it. I thought we taught these children better than this!" Chad raises his voice a bit, shaking his head.

"I know, trust me, they are in for it big time, but, I had to calm down and I need you to make sure you got your head on straight when you go up there, I know how it can be hard sometimes. But, if anytime you get too mad, just walk out and give it a break. Alright?" I voice, Chad nodding his head.

Chad has never really gone off on the kids before, but, I know at times, I get so pissed, especially when they are already in trouble but then still continue to act like brats even though they are already in for it, that's what pisses me off the most.

"Yeah, I got this bro. I'll make sure that I handle this appropriately," Chad replied.

I nodded my head and figured it would be foolish to waste time getting started because even after they get a good spanking, they still have to go clean up the bedroom they destroyed.

Chad followed behind me as I walked downstairs, I walked around a few seconds, making sure both kids had found themselves a corner.

"Both of you! Kitchen! Right now!" I order, folding my arms over my chest.

Chad scowled as they entered, I could see the disappointment in his eyes.

"I want to know what happened and I want the truth. Who's idea was it?" I demand, eyeing both of them.

"It was....m-mine," Keira mumbled, peering down to the floor.

I was glad she at least admitted to it.

"Why?" I ask, my tone softening a little bit.

Tears started rolling down her cheek as she fiddled with the hem of her shirt.

I walked over and stood in front of her, kneeling down to her height and lifting her head up with my finger to look at me.

"Answer me," I voice sternly, giving her a stern glance.

It took her just a moment, but she finally answered.

"We got bored and so, we tried building a tent or something! I'm sorry!!!! It won't ever happen again!! I promise!! Please don't spank us!!" Keira begs, I just shake my head.

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