Video Games.

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Nick's POV. I trudge down my stairwell, yawning slightly before I could make it to the bottom. It was a tad bit too quite in the house and I was curious as to why.

Kevin was playing video games which was absolutely nothing unusual since he isn't at school today and all the chores are done. But I do believe if I can remember correctly, the last time I made my way down here from my room I had seen him playing then and heard a remark from someone for him to put it away for awhile.

"Hey, bud. Did someone tell you to put up the game for awhile earlier?" I question, raising my eyebrow. I was hoping for the truth, but with Kevin that isn't always the case.

"No; I didn't hear anybody say anything to me. I haven't even been on it that long, Nick." Kevin replies, frowning towards the end because he probably already knows that I'm going to tell him to get off of it for awhile.

"Okay, well I really do believe earlier I heard someone tell you to get off of it for awhile. And last time I was down here an hour or so ago, you were on it. It's time to take a break and go outside and play or find something else to do." I state, making my way over to the television where he was sitting on the floor criss cross.

Kevin immediately got irritated and started flailing around pointlessly.

"It's not even that late. This is so unfair. It's the weekend and I should be able to play on it longer cause I finally have time! Unlike on school days. Please, Nick. Just awhile later!" Kevin whines as he folds his hands and acts as if he is begging.

I cross my arms over my chest, as I become aware I'm going to have to repeat myself and I absolutely dislike doing so.

"Kevin, I told you it is time to take a break. Turn the game console off along with the television and go find something else that is a non electronic device and hush. I shouldn't ever have to repeat myself and I feel slightly disrespected now that I have had too." I reply, calmly but my tone and body language left no room for protest or disobedience.

Kevin frowned, putting his head down in defeat. He slowly got up and turned off everything and walked out of the living room without a single word.

I thought to myself for a second to just let it go or call him back in here to apologize and change his attitude, but with the mood I have seem to be in the majority of the day has left me to just pick my battles and this wasn't going to be one of them.

"I said no! Now drop it before I go get Zayn or Chad to deal with it." Bryant roared, obviously agitated beyond what he should ever be.

Christian whined and stomped his foot before walking away and throwing himself on the couch. I hadn't a clue what was going on between the two of them, but the commotion brought Chad into view with a confused expression.

"What's going on, Bryant? Why are you yelling at him like that? We already talked about keeping, cool, calm and collected demeanors and no cussing anymore." Chad voiced, a lace of disappointment in his voice at Bryant's tone and body language towards the young boy.

"Well first of all, I didn't cuss. Also, it was nothing. I handled it, obviously." Bryant smarted back, which caught my attention immediately as I went kinda wide eyed, his remark was just unnecessary as ever.

"That's enough. Did Chad use that language and smart ass attitude with you? No he didn't. That attitude needs to disappear before I do something about it. Now apologize and answer his questions, I'm sure you don't want to get me started on how much it aggravated me how you spoke to Christian. So cool it." I spoke coldly, getting slightly annoyed at this point.

"I'm sorry, Chad. And Christian refused to eat all of his lunch but still wants a brownie and I told him it wasn't happening but he continued to whine about it for the longest and I got annoyed." Bryant mumbled, his body language changing completely by the time he was done speaking.

"See, that wasn't so bad was it? Thank you. But I will warn you now, softer tone and body language with the younger kids, they don't have the maturity you do or ability to understand things quite as good yet. Keep that in mind." I remind Bryant; knowing he struggles because we weren't here to raise him properly so he's handling it the best he knows how to until we show him other ways.

"Okay, well he can just get over it. He knows the rules, they don't change. His actions and decisions aren't anybody else's problem. He has to make those choices by himself." I state, shrugging one of my shoulders. It is always something when it comes to Christian and junk food.

"Oh, did Kevin ever get off of the video game. I mentioned something to him about it earlier but I don't know if he ever did what I asked." Bryant speaks up, as he just remembered.

I knew I wasn't crazy. I knew I had heard somebody tell him to get off the video game. I eyed Bryant and shook my head.

"Yes. I made him get off of it but he said nobody had told him to take a break or anything. So I dismissed him, but he was definitely mad." I reply, wondering where Kevin went because we was definitely about to have a talk.

"Oh. Well, I will say half of it was my fault for not going and checking to make sure he did as I had asked him. But I got busy making lunch and lost track of time." Bryant admits, in which I just nod my head and go into the living room where Kevin was sitting, sulked up on the couch.

"Kevin. I'm disappointed in you. Bryant just informed me he had told you to get off the game, just like I said earlier even though I was unaware of who said to take a break from the game." I spoke calmly, sitting on the couch next to him.

"I didn't hear him say anything to me." Kevin mumbles, but it wasn't very confidently.

I just raise my eyebrow and send him a look which he knew very well, he was just making excuses.

"Kevin I seriously think that this video game is taking a toll on your ability to be respectful and honest with us. So, I'm going to solve the problem very easily. You're grounded from the game until further notice. I don't know when you will get it back, that's undecided at this moment. You're screen time on the television is also limited, two hours a day. When I feel like you have learned your lesson about lying and or possibly ignoring someone; I'll allow you to have your game back." I reply, leaning back on the couch.

Spanking Kevin wasn't going to help, as the game was the issue. So if it isn't in the equation the problem will ease up and some sense will hopefully come back to him.

"That's so unfair! I can't have nothing in this house!!" Kevin yelled, throwing a pillow across the room angrily.

I raised both my eyebrows and turned my body towards him.

"Young man, I will make you regret using that tone with me if you don't change it right now." I remind him, narrowing my eyes slightly.

Kevin teared up and folded his arms and just scowled but he remained quite so I refocused my attention on my own thoughts for awhile, like I had been doing the last couple days.

Here recently I've been getting caught up in my own thoughts about if I'm really doing the best I can to take care of this family and keep everyone together. It crossed my mind if I could do better or change certain things to manage this household better, the wheels were spinning and I couldn't them to stop. I hadn't a clue what to do. Ashamed, I keep it to myself and go own about the day, the best I could.

Hey, peeps! I'm so sorry for not updating for so long, but I've been working so much and dealing with life, I've just lost all management of my books. But I am trying. Please don't forget to comment and vote, I hope you guys are still looking forward to my updates.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2021 ⏰

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