Hitting Is Hateful.

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Bryant's POV. I was currently sitting on the couch, texting a couple of my friends about a new video game that came out, I was hoping Zayn or Nick would take one of my many hints I've been dropping lately and buy it for me as an I appreciate you gift or some shit.

Kiera and Christian were sitting at the end of the couch playing with cars and Barbie dolls. I hadn't really a clue where Zayn or Nick were, let alone the rest of the kids.

My phone kept going off as new messages were received, causing me to hit the silence button so I could return to watching television while keeping an eye on the kiddos.

Kiera started whining, so I took a moment to turn my attention towards the two little ones and watched for just a moment.

Christian was usually really good and well-mannered, always sharing his toys and playing nicely with the other kids but today it seemed different. He was snatching toys from Kiera and had no interest in playing with toys he had, he just wanted the ones she would pick up.

I decided it was my time to step in and intervene with the two of them, so I could correct the pushy and disrespectful behavior. I'm not sure what had gotten into Christian, he's never usually like this.

"Christain, this is your warning, you better stop taking toys from your sister and being pushy. It is not nice and it will not be tolerated. I know damn well you'd be having a hissy fit if Keira was to do the same thing to you you're doing to her right now. I suggest you stop and play nice or you're going in time out." As I'm speaking I make my way over to where Christian is and lift his head up to my eye level so he knows that I'm being serious.

Christian threw himself backwards and went into a complete and utter tantrum. I've only experienced Christian acting like this a couple of times, most times because he's tired. But it was barely even eleven o'clock so for his attitude to be like this it was shocking. But having younger siblings has definitely taught me and brought me too terms that little kids always have their bad days and good days.

"Leave me alone! I want to play! Get away from me!!" Christian yelled bursting into full-blown tears acting like I had tried to murder him.

Before I knew it here came Zayn and Nick down the stairs, pausing in their footsteps when they see me and Christian.

"I'm sorry but this behavior is intolerable. You're going to stay in the corner for ten minutes. If you give me an attitude at this point I'm going to give you a spanking then you're going in the corner." I speak to Christian in a clear voice, leaving no room for protest.

I pick up the small framed boy and place him in the corner making sure his posture is proper before I walk away.

"What happened? I've never seen Christian act this bad. Maybe he needs a nap." Zayn started, sliding his hands in his pockets as he glances at the boy.

"I'm not exactly sure. Kiera and him were playing with the toys and then he just started trying to take every toy she would pick up. I spoke to him in a very low and call voice I warned him that if he didn't stop, he was going to time out. That's when he started his full-blown tantrum." I explained, still kind of shocked myself.

"Doesn't surprise me. It's what little kids do, they test you on random days at random times. He's five years old, he's going to push limits and boundaries. He honestly probably thought he could get away with you, because you're not as strict on them as we are." Nick finally spoke up, walking over to the boy and putting his head back in the corner as Christian had slouched and tilted his head to the side letting it lean up against the wall.

"Has anybody seen my math homework?" Kevin asked as he came down the steps, pausing to glance at us.

"Is it the same math homework that I told you to get off the table and put in your backpack two days ago?" Zayn asked, cocking an eyebrow.

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