The Little Gilbert <> Vampire Diaries

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chapter 1.

Georgie's pov

I woke up to Tyler calling me. I groaned and answered the call.

"Ty its to early!"

"We got school I'll be there in 10 minutes."

"Okay see you than." I said and hung up and got dressed. I did my hair and make up than grabbed my phone and bag. I went downstairs and slipped my combat boots on and went to the kitchen. Jenna said lunch money and both Jeremy and I took the money and said bye when Tyler text ed he was here. I left and went and got in Ty's car. He kissed my cheek and said morning than he drove us to school.


I ran and jumped on Tyler's back and Matt chuckled.

"Hey GiGi." The football team said and I smiled shyly and said a low hi.

"You trying out for cheer this year?" Justin the biggest player asked.

"No." Tyler and Matt answered and I giggled burying my head into Ty's neck.

"How come?" He asked and I grumbled.

"Does it look like she wants to talk?" Matt asked protectively and I smiled.

"Sorry man it was just a question." He grumbled and I sighed.

"Anyways football tryouts are soon and the new guy looks like a player. But he also looks like a loner." I said changing the subject and Matt and Ty laughed.

"Your a loner to G." Ty said and I giggled.

"Not all the time!" I laughed and they smiled.

"Georgie!" Elena yelled and I groaned.

"What she want now?" I grumbled and looked over to see her waving me over. I got off Tyler and dragged him with me.

"What Elena?" I asked and she sighed.

"Mom and dad wouldn't want you pushing us away." She said quietly and I scoffed.

"I've never pushed you or Jeremy away. You two push me away. Now if that's all you want Tyler and I will be leaving." I said and Caroline called me a bitch.

"Skank." I snapped and she looked hurt and with that Tyler and I went back to the guys.

After school.

I sat at a table with Matt and Tyler at the Grill. Vickie came over and teased me about being a nerd and I playfully rolled my eyes. She kissed my cheek and said sleep over this weekend.

"Um yes please. Elena is suffocating me with the mom and dad card." I grumbled and she gave me a sad smile. Ty squeezed my hand and smiled at me. Matt saw Bonnie and kissed my cheek and went over to her. I order more food and Ty laughed at me. What I love food. Carol is like my second mom as well as Richard as a second father and they gave me a credit card with a lot of money. They said they were going to even buy my first car on my 16th. Anyways Vickie gave me my food when Elena came in with the new guy. I scoffed and went back to eating and doing mine and Tyler's homework.

Tyler's pov

I dropped Georgie off and went home. Mom and dad asked how Georgie was and I told them what Elena did at school and they both were sad. They loved Georgie as a daughter and I loved her as a sister. She's my best friend. I went up and saw that my homework was done already and sent a thank you text to Georgie.

Bon fire.

People were yelling chug as GiGi did a hand stand on the keg. Matt helped her down and she wiped her chin and they all cheered. We played beer bong til I went to the woods with Vickie.

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