Chapter Seven

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I was in my room, playing video games by myself. Ashton said I was kind of a secluded kid, but it was fun just being by myself sometimes. My phone beeped and I saw it was Andy calling me. 

"Hey." I said into the phone, only to here heavy breathing. "Andy? Are you alright?" I was getting worried. 

"Michael?" she sobbed, "Michael, I need you to come to my house, please?" 

"Of course, through the window?" I asked. 

"Yeah." she said. 

"Okay, I'll be there." I said running out the door. 


I climbed the side of her house and knocked on her window. She opened her curtains and opened the window. Her eyes were red and puffy, clearly she was crying. I came into her room and I hugged her, trying to calm her down. 

"It's okay." I try to soothe her as she cries into my shirt. Once she calms down, I sit her down on her bed. 

"What happened?" I ask her with concern. 

"I'm just scared and frustrated and confused and everything in between." she says. 

"What about?" I ask her. 

"I want out. I want out of the group I'm in with Matt." she says. "They're getting into horrible things that I don't want to be apart of, and I don't know how to get away from them." I could tell she was going to cry again, so I put my arm around her. 

"I'm just so scared. I don't know what to do. I know if I just up and leave, they'll do something to me." she cries. 

"Shh." I try to comfort her. "It's alright, I'll help you." 

"How?" she asks me. 

"Just tell them that you need to focus on your studies, so you have to leave to group to sit with a more focused group." I say and she nods. "And you can sit with me." 

"Okay. Thank you Michael." she says and I smile at her. 

"I won't let them do anything to you." I say. "Where's your parents?" 

"Oh, they went out." she says. 

"And you made me climb the side of your house?" I say and she laughs. 

"I didn't want to go all the way downstairs to open the door." she laughs and I lightly punch her. 

"Well, I guess if I see you smiling, it's a win win." I say and she blushes. 

"Do you want me to be there when you tell them?" I ask her and she shakes her head. 

"No, I think I should do this on my own." 

"Okay, but tell me if you need help or anything." 

"Alright." she says. 


I walked into the lunch room and sit on the table with the boys. 

"Hey guys, so like, is it okay if Andy sits with us?" I ask. 

"Sure, I mean I'll let any fit girl sit next to me." Calum said with a wink. 

"God, why are you so horny." I say and they laugh. Andy walks in and she, awkwardly, passes her old table. I see them glare at her as she walks by. Especially Matt gives her a furious glare. 

"Hey." she says and sits between Luke and I. I wonder if she still has a thing for Luke? 

"Hi!" Ashton says. 

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