Chapter Two

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"Hello sweety." my mom says. 

"Hi, you're home early?" I say. 

"Yeah, I just met this woman today. It was her first day at the hospital, and she lives just down the street. She invited us to dinner, and I accepted." she says. 

"But I'm going out tonight." I whine. 

"Well, you can take your car and I'll drive separately. After dinner, if you really don't want to stay, you may leave." she offers. 

"I'm down for that. Thanks." I say. 

"Alright Michael, be ready by 6. We'll head down then." she says. If this "woman" is Andy's mom, I think I'll explode of either happiness that I get to talk to her, or that it'll so awkward. 


I pull up to the house and take a look at it. The house is a generic house; pick-it fence, white walls, red door, doormat. These people are probably like a nurse and some expensive job like a lawyer or a surgeon or something. I see Mom, so I go to the door and knock. A woman, probably my mom's coworker, opens the door and greets us. I learn her name is Cheryl and that her house is spotless. I mean it, it was like sparkling. I meet Cheryl's husband, Rick, and learned that he's a bussiness man. I told you it was expensive. 

"Oh, kids!" Cheryl yells. Okay, this is it. Time to see if this Andy's house. When the kids arrive, there is a little boy and girl. Twins maybe? This can't be it. 

"These are our twins, Maddie and Ron." Cheryl says. I say hi and sigh. I was really hoping she was going to live here. We proceed to dinner, and it's pretty boring. The kids were entertaining, but nothing would have beaten Andy being here. At the end of dinner, I help with the washing, like the gentleman I am, and ask my mom if I can leave. 

"Sure, but remember, curfue at 11." my mom says. I smile, say goodbye, and go outside. As I am about to get into my car, I hear a rustling in the bushes in the neighbor's yard. Oh shit, what if it's like a robber or a killer or something. I'm gonna die. C'mon Michael it's probably just a cat, just go look. I walk to the fence and see a black figure. As it stands up, I realize who it is. 

"Andy?" I ask and she jumps. 

"Fuck! Micah you scared the shit out of me!" she whisper-shouts. 

"Um, it's Michael, and what are you doing?" I ask. 

"What are you doing? Stalking me now?" she asks looking at her window. 

"No way, you're sneaking out of your window?" I ask. 

"Look, just turn around and forget what you saw." she says. 

"I thought you were a good girl." I say as I follow her. She grabs a bike and starts to wheel it. She ignores me and continues to walk away. 

"Where are you going with your bike anyway?" I ask. 

"Town." she says. 

"You're going all the way into town on your bike in the dark on a Friday night? You must be crazy. You can get yourself killed or something." I say. 

"I can't take my car or my parents will know I'm gone." she says. 

"I'm heading into town anyway, let me give you a ride." I offer. 

"Yeah, totally, I'm gonna let the crazy haired, creep who watches me, drive me into town." she says. 

"C'mon, you're gonna ride your bike for 3 miles uphill in those heels, please." I say. She looks down at her heels and looked back up with me. 

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