Chapter Five

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I sit in the hall amongst a lot of parents. I feel kind of awkward since I was there and not her parents. I wish they could just accept her and be there for her, but being here for her is okay with me. I'm in love with the fact that she invited and wanted me here. The lights went down and a spotlight was on the stage. Orchestra music starts playing and a bunch of ballet dancers come out doing stunning twirls and astonishing leaps. There is a break in the song, and all the lights were out. One single spotlight comes on, right on her. Andy has a solo? And she didn't tell me? She was a very skilled dancer, better than I imagined. She did high leaps and mezmorizing twirls. Soon, all the other ballet dancers come into view and they were all synchronized together. The song ends, and the hall was erupted with applause. The dancers come on stage and do a bow. I saw her and she had a smile bigger than this universe. After all the applause and the dancers went backstage, I waited for her in the front of the hall with all the other parents. 

"Mikey!" she yells and runs into my arms. I lift her and swing her around. 

"That was great! Why didn't you tell me you were so good that they gave you a solo!?" I ask.

"Well I didn't wanna brag." she says. 

"Oh yeah," I say revealing the rose from behind me, "this is for you. If I knew you had a big solo, I would've gotten you more!" 

"Wow," she says, a little tense again, "this is great. I love it." 

"I'm proud of you, let me take you out for a celebratory dinner." I say. 

"Um, sure." she says and we head to my car. 

"Ooo, I have a CD with me actually." she said looking through her bag. "Here, this band is really cool." she hands me the CD and I look at it. 

"San Cisco?" I ask and she nods. 

"They're really good. I've been into them lately." she says and I slip it in. The song starts, and it's not too bad. 

"So you're looking fancy tonight." she says. I was wearing a grey dress shirt and black skinny jeans. 

"Nah, I think you look fancier than me." I say. She was wearing a navy blue dress with black tights and black pumps. She looks out the window and takes off the rubber band from her hair. She let her wavy, light brown hair down. We usually go for pizza, but tonight was different. 

"What is this place?" she asks when we get there. 

"This is the celebratory resturaunt I'm taking you to." I say and she arches her eyebrow waiting for an adequate answer to satisfy her. 

"It's this little Italian resturaunt, it's really good." I say. We go inside and sit down. 

"You should dye your hair." I say and she looks up at me. 

"Like what oh wise one?" she says. 

"Maybe, like, pink tips?" I ask her and she shakes her head. 

"And why not?" I ask. 

"If I come home one day and my parents see that, they'll flip." she says. 

"Either way, it would look great." I say and she smiles. 

"I would, if I could." she says. We continue to talk about irrelevant things and eat our dinner. Afterwards, I drive her home and we sit in the car. 

"Thank you for coming Mikey." she says. 

"Thanks for inviting me." I say. "Oh, and I really like this San Cisco stuff." 

"Really!? Good, cause it's one of my favorites." she says. "And I've been listening to some of that All Time Low stuff, I think Backseat Serenade is my favorite." I smile at the fact that we have a few things alike. 

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