Chapter Six

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"Andalynn!" I say as I opened the door. When I heard that knock, I did not think it'd be her. Weird, she didn't tell me she was coming. 

"Hey! So your birthday is tomorrow..." she says and I nod. "I hope you don't have plans tomorrow cause I'm taking you somewhere." 

"What? Where?" I ask curiously. 

"Did I ever tell you about my cousin? The radio guy?" she asks and I shake my head no. 

"Well, sometimes he gets free tickets to concerts. This time he got tickets for this band, but he didn't want to go, so he gave them to me." she says. What is she up to? "And guess what? It's your favorite band!" she sings. 

"No way." I say. 

"Yes way. I got, for your birthday, tickets to All Time Low tomorrow!" she says and shows me the tickets.

"Oh my God!" I yell and run out the door. I run around the house like 4 times and come back to the porch. 

"I'm going to the All Time Low concert!" I yell at the top of my lungs. I turn around and go back in the house to hug her. I pick her up and spin her around. 

"This is the best birthday present I have ever gotten! Thank you so so much!" I say. 

"It's no problem Mikey. When I got the tickets, the first thing I thought of was you." she says and I smile. 

"So, are you picking me up tomorrow then?" I ask her. 

"Oh, um," she starts, "my car is being fixed, so I can't drive there. Can we take your car?" 

"Of course, I'll pick you up at 7." I say. 


"This is so exciting!" I fangirl to Andy and she laughs at me. 

"You seem like you're excited." she says. 

"I am!" I say. We walk through the venue doors and head in. 

"So where's our seats?" I ask. She takes my hand and leads me through the crowd. 

"Right over there." she says pointing to the third row. 

"What!?" I ask. "You got us third row!?" 

"Well, yeah." she says and I hug her tightly. "C'mon, it's gonna start in a few." We walk to our seats and the lights dim. The concert starts, and I can feel the energy. Andy and I dance around to the upbeat songs and I have to say, this was one of the best moments ever. After one of the songs ended, Alex grabbed the mic. 

"So this next song is called Remembering Sunday." he says and starts playing his guitar. I put my arms on Andy's shoulders and rested my head on top of hers. We sway together and as the song went on, I could feel her stiffen. 

Even though she doesn't believe in love, he's determined to call her bluff. Who could deny these butterflies? Their filling his gut. 

"Um, Michael, I have to use the restroom, I'll be back." she says and leaves. I watch as she leaves and runs away. There she goes again. Anything that pertains to love or our relationship, she avoids it. Like this song. The song ends and everyone cheers. I look behind me and see her coming back. 

"You okay?" I ask her with concern. 

"Oh yeah, sorry." she says. The concert ends and I drive her to her house. 

"That was so fun Andy. Thanks for taking me, of all people." I say. 

"Why wouldn't I take you Mikey." she says and I smile. "Here, come with me." she says getting out of the car. 

"What?" I say getting out as well. 

"Come 'ere." she say running to the side of her house and I follow her. 

"What are we doing?" I ask her. 

"I'm gonna teach you how to climb into my room." she says. 

"What, why?" I ask. 

"Because I want to show you something in my room, but my parents won't let you come in." she says. 

"Okay, so you just put your foot here, your other foot here, your hands here, and you just push yourself up. It's pretty simple." she instructs. "Alright, I'll go in and I'll signal you to come in." 

"Okay, I'll just wait here." I say.

"Well where else are you gonna go Clifford?" she asks and I roll my eyes. She goes in her house and I wait awhile until I hear her voice. 

"Michael, up here." she says and I look up to see her head sticking out the window. 

"Get your ass up here, like I showed you." I start climbing the side of the house and I slip a little. 

"Mikey, don't fall. Please don't hurt yourself." she says and I grin. She can be so sweet sometimes. I get to her window and she helps me climb in. As she pulls me in, I fall on top of her. 

"Get off me you bastard." she laughs. I get up and give her a hand, helping her up. 

"Okay, so why am I here?" I ask. 

"What? You don't wanna hang out with me?" she asks sarcastically. 

"What, no." I say and she laughs. 

"It's okay, there's an actual reason." she says. "Alright, close your eyes." 

"What?" I ask. 

"Just do it." she says and I close my eyes. I hear her shuffle around her room, and fumbling around with something. 

"No peeking." she says and I nod. "Okay, open." I open my eyes to see it. The beautiful craft I have been eyeing for months. 

"Happy Birthday." she says to me. 

"No." I say in shock. "No, you didn't get me the guitar." 

"Yet, it's here." she says. I hug her tightly and spin her around. 

"You take me to the All Time Low concert, then you get me the guitar I've been dying to have!?" I ask. 

"I knew how much you wanted it and that you used the money on me, so I thought I'd get you it." she says. 

"How did you afford it?" I ask her. 

"You know how I said my car is in the shop?" she asks me. 

"The blue expensive one from your parents?" I ask. 

"Yeah, well, it's not in the shop." she says. 

"What do you mean?" I ask. 

"I sold my car so I could get you the guitar." she says and my jaw drops. 

"You sold your car? For me?" I ask. 

"Um, well, yeah. You were literally drooling over it Mikey." she says and I give her another hug. It wasn't as energized, but more meaningful. 

"Thank you so much for the most amazing birthday I have ever had." I thank. 

"It's what friends do, right?" she asks me and I giggle. She's so cute. 

"It's what great friends do." I say. 

"We are friends, Mikey. Correct?" she asks me. 

"Of course!" I say and she smiles. 

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