Chapter One

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"Hi guys." I said as I approached the boys, standing by the lockers. 

"Hey." the said. 

"So did you guys hear about the new girl coming today?" Calum asked. 

"A new girl? Is she coming for second semester?" Luke asked. 

"I'm guessing, someone told me that she's came at the begining of fall break." Calum said. New girl huh? Everyone started to look at the direction of the entrance of the school. I looked up and saw beauty. That must be her cause I haven't seen her around her before. She looked cool. She wore ripped skinny jeans, an old baseball jersey, and high top converse. She had her shades on, and she looked good. 

"Talk about fit." Calum said. She walked past us, and she had a scent of apples, my favorite. The bell rang, and I headed to class, hoping she would be there. She wasn't, which was a shame. I carried on, praying that I'd see her there, but it was no luck. I headed to AP Literature, and I saw her. She was there standing in the front talking to the teacher. Yes! I sat down and made sure not one sat next to me. 

"Good morning class, today we have a new student. Her name is Anda-"

"Andy, you can call me Andy." she said. She had a sweet voice. 

"Okay, class this is Andy Williams. Please welcome her with open arms. Looks like there is an open spot next to Mr. Clifford. You can sit there." the teacher says, and I move my bag. She walks over to me and sits down. The class starts and I zone out as if it was a reflex. I don't even know how I got into this class. I hear the teacher ask a question, followed by silence. I hear a sigh next to me and see Andy raise her hand. 

"Andy." she says. 

"Um, in literature, you need to think of most things as a metaphor so, yes, when he took her roses, it was as if he and his love and care was leaving with him." she says smartly. The teacher smiles and she begins to say something. 

"I guess the principle was right. Andy here has the most spectacular student academic record I have seen in a while." she says. I look over at her and she rolls her eyes. The class goes on and I drown out in my own daydreams. The bell rings and everyone heads to lunch. I try to catch Andy, but she walks away too fast. I groan and head to meet the other guys. I sit with them and we talk like normal. 

"So I found out the new girl's name is Andy." Calum says. 

"Yeah, she's in my AP Lit class." I say. 

"Really, I heard she's like super smart and stuff." Ashton says. 

"I heard that she's like a good girl too." Calum claims again. 

"Someone told me she was a teacher's pet." Luke said. 

"Look, she's coming." Ash said. I saw her walk in and I wanted to get up and ask her if she wanted to sit with us, but she already had plans. I saw her walk to the table where, I guess you could say the "rebels" sat. When I looked back at my friends, their faces were like mine, in shock. 

"Why is she sitting with them?" Luke questions. 

"I thought she was a good girl?" I said. 

"Maybe she's just jumping around in groups. I did that my first week of school." Calum suggests. 

"Maybe." I said. She sat down next to Matt and kissed him. She's in a relationship!? The bell rang and I headed to French class. I was in French 4 since I took it for so long. Lo and behold, she's there. I walk in and sit behind her. How is she in French 4? The French teacher walks in and introduces Andy. They have a fluent conversation before she sits down. It shocked the whole class. I took this class for 4 years and I couldn't even remember how to ask to use the bathroom. Every time I had to go, I couldn't ask cause I don't know how. She must be fluent or something. After class, I see her by her locker and decide to say hi to her. 

"Hi." I say to her. 

"Hey?" she says more as a question. 

"I'm Michael, I know you're new here so I thought I should introduce myself." I say. 

"Andy." she says putting some things in her locker. 

"You're really pretty." I say by accident, and I instantly cover my mouth with my hand. I didn't mean to say that, it kind of slipped. 

"Don't try to woo me, I'm not looking for a relationship." she says not even looking at me. 

"So Matt's your boyfriend?" I ask in defeat. Why that jerk? 


"But you kissed him at lunch." I say. 

"What were you doing? Spying on me?" she asked. Shit. 

"Um, no, you were just in my line of vision." 

"Right." she said sarcastically. 

"So is he?" I ask again.

"We're up and down." she says. 

"Then you're not in a relationship?" 

"Look creep, I'm not into you and you shouldn't be into me. I appreciate you trying to welcome me to the school, but I can get along on my own." she says as she slams her locker. She walks away from me like she's just talked to a dork. Wow, congradulate me on that victory. I sigh and leave school. 

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