Chapter 9

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Later that morning I call up Rydel and invite her to go to the beach with us.  Unfortunately Ross is busy with Teen Beach Movie 2 stuff all day so it is just us girls.  We try to get Nicole to join us but she claims she does not feel well.  I attempted talking to her but she refused to open up her bedroom door for anyone.  Rachel stays behind, saying she would keep an eye on our friend in case she needed anything.   

That evening, Mary and I returned home bringing pizza for dinner.  Rachel met us at the front door, informing us that she never saw Nicole step out of her room once and when Rachel asked through the closed door, Nicole continued to say she felt sick.  I knocked on her door, letting her know there was pizza but did not get a response.  I cracked the door open the slightest bit and listened for a protest to close it.  When I heard nothing I pushed the door all the way open to find Nicole lying on her bed asleep, tissues scattered all around her.  I quietly left the room and walked down the hallway to the kitchen. 

“She’s asleep”, I tell Mary and Rachel.  They both nod as they continue to eat.  “And there were tissues all over her room.  Did it sound like she was crying or anything today?” I ask my cousin.

“Not that I heard”, she replies.  “But then again, I was outside most of the day so I didn’t really hear much of anything.”

I nod, wondering if she really is sick or upset that Ross and I were getting closer.  I promised myself that when she woke up I would talk to her about it and make her tell the truth about me and Ross because the last thing I would want to do is lose a best friend over a guy, no matter who that guy was.


The next morning I am glad to see that Nicole’s bedroom door is open.  I walk into the kitchen, hoping to find her there so that I would get the opportunity to talk to her but am surprised to see Riker standing at the stove, pouring pancake batter into a pan.

“Hi”, I say, my brow slightly furrowing as I try to figure out why he is here so early.

Before he can reply Nicole walks into the kitchen, still wearing her short pajama shorts and cami.  “I found the syrup”, she states, setting it down on the counter, careful to avoid making eye contact with me.

“Great”, smiles Riker.  “Do you want to join us, Elizabeth?  I could make more batter.”

“She can’t”, Nicole jumps at the opportunity to speak before I even open my mouth.  Riker glances over at Nicole before looking at me, clearly waiting to hear my response.

“She’s right.  I can’t.  I have some stuff I want get done early.  Thanks, though”, I say, quickly turning and heading towards Mary’s closed door.  I quietly knock before opening it and find her curled up in a ball on her bed, fast asleep.

 “Mary”, I say, not being gentle as I shake her, trying to wake her up.

 “What?” she finally groans, swatting my hand away.

“Nicole is in the kitchen, with Riker, and it’s weird.  Has something happened between the two of them that I didn’t notice?” I question. 

She rolls over and looks at me.  “Not that I know of.  But what does it matter?  You and Ross seem to be a thing now, so Nicole probably feels a bit let down that Ross and you had a connection instead of her and Ross like she had hoped.”

“You’re right”, I sigh, perching on the edge of her bed, looking down at my hands folded neatly in my lap. 

“If you’re so worried just go and talk to her!”

“Okay”, I say, standing up and opening the bedroom door.

“Just tell me what she says!” Mary laughs as I roll my eyes at her and close the door behind me.  I walk down the hallway, listening to Riker and Nicole laugh together.  I pause right before turning the corner and being spotted.  Here goes nothing!  I take a deep breath and walk into the kitchen.   

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