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Seungri walk his steps to school in mind thinking bout Jiyong and then suddenly Daesung run toward him that make his bitter face turn into smile to see Daesung shining smile.

"Good morning Dae!" Seungri said happy like usual.

"My Seungri!" Daesung said link his hand on Seungri shoulder and then both of them walk together.

"Oh yeah!You know..All kids is talking about you on the way to school just now." Daesung said suddenly.

"What do you mean?" Seungri ask shocked.

"The guy that you mess up with before..that Jiyong guy..He is quite popular in our school.And..some people saw you guys walk together home.." Daesung said seeking for answer from Seungri.

"I told him to not to..but he did...Its not my faults." Seungri try to avoid Daesung sense his dissapointment.

"But..people do think you guys are closed to each other..And...." Daesung stop talking as Seungri stop walking when there is a girls infront of them.They are talking to each other and pointing to Seungri then they laugh.

"Seungri..this is going to be a long day for you..." Daesung said patting his bestfriend back.

'I want to finish my school here silently.What had I got myself into?' Seungri thought tired.

Both of them walk in the school with cautious steps and Daesung hold onto Seungri as he keep hearing people talk about him.

"Isn't it that weird boy?That arrogant one?Ew..why would Jiyong oppa be near to him." One girl said.

"He is super nerdy." The other said.

"He is nerdy too to be honest."

"I think he fake his faint infront of Jiyong oppa before to attract his attention." One girl said.

"I think he can used him to become popular." Daesung look at Seungri that suddenly hold his head.

"Are you alright Ri??" Daesung ask worry.

"I'm..tired.." Seungri said to his bestfriend holding onto him tight letting him know he feel stressed.

"Don't think about any of that Seungri.Keep your mind easy." Daesung said helping his bestfriend to walk into the school with his hurting head.

"Come on Seungri let's get to class.I will stick to you." Daesung said when Seungri holding his head hearing lots of people is talking about Seungri in the corridor.

"Hey nerdy." Daesung glare at the girls while holding Seungri.

Just then Jiyong group walk at the corridor earning a loud cheering from the girls there and lots of people was running toward them.

Seungri look over to Jiyong but then he turned his head away when Jiyong walk beside them.Daesung look at Seungri worry.

'He ignore me.' Seungri said as his eyes is getting teary.

'Why am I crying..This is what I want..' Seungri try to wipe his tears but it keep falling.

"Seungri ya.." Daesung feel bad when Seungri is crying.

"I want to go home.." Seungri said.

"We will go back in the recess time ok?For now..let's have a rest at the infirmary room." Daesung said helping Seungri to walk over to the infirmary room.

"Hey.Wait." Daesung and Seungri stop walking as they heard Jiyong voices echoing.

Jiyong walk step by step until he stand infront of Seungri while looking is looking away from Jiyong eyes.

"Here.Your student card." Jiyong said cold.Instead of Seungri,Daesung grab the card harshly from the Jiyong hand which shocked the whole corridor.

"Thank you Mr.Kwon Jiyong.Thank you too for making Seungri become a center of rumors just because you don't want to give his student card." Daesung said angry and protecting his bestfriend.

He quickly help Seungri to walk to the infirmary room,leaving Jiyong and the others speechless.

At the infirmary room,Daesung help Seungri to lay down on the bed slowly while the doctor walk over to them worry.

"What happen to Seungri-sshi?" He quickly check on him.

"He said he feel tired.Can he rest here?" Daesung ask.

"Sure..sure..he look pale too..I'll give him few medicines...Seungri?Can you hear me?" Seungri nodded his head tired.

"You should not come to school if you feel sick Seungri-sshi..." The doctor sighed.

"I'm so sorry..." Seungri said falling asleep.

Daesung left the room for a while to keep Seungri books back in his locker but he meet a person he didn't expect to.Top.

"What do you want?" Daesung ask frustrated.

"You are brave enough to do that to Jiyong." He smile devilish.

"Who care?He hurt my bestfriend." Daesung said walking away but then Top block the way by trapping Daesung in between his arms and locker.

"You are so brave that you make me interested.What's your name?" Top ask smiling.

"I don't want a brat like you know my name." Daesung said before pushing Top away then walk away from that place leaving Top laughing to himself.

"Yeah..I will find your name!Brave student!" He said loud earning a glare from Daesung.

Jiyong on the other side is playig with his food and Youngbae noticed that.

"What's wrong Jiyong?" Youngbae ask worry.

"That Seungri boy..." Jiyong said.

"What happen?Did you guys fight?I saw he cry just now.." Youngbae said and then Jiyong look at him shocked.

"He?He cry!?" Jiyong ask shocked.

"Yeah..the times he walk away with his bestfriend I saw he crying.." Youngbae said last before Jiyong storm out from the cafeteria to the infirmary room.

He stop when he reach the front door of the infirmary room.

"Seungri..Why don't you used this chance to get close to him?I know..You like Jiyong right?" Daesung ask his bestfriend.

" do you..." Seungri stutter scared.

"Don't worry..I know about it..Why?Isn't this a huge chance you can take to get close to him?" Daesung ask curious.

"Daesung..its love between man..I'm sure he is not that kind of person..he will feel disgusting with me if he know that..And secondly..I am dying..I don't have enough time to love someone..I can't..I don't want to hurt him.." Seungri said tearing up.

"You're too nice Seungri..I will miss you a bestfriend.." Daesung said hugging Seungri.Just then,the door storm open shocking the both of them to see Jiyong standing infront of them breathe unevenly.


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