Bad Guy

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Jiyong was a bad boy at his school.He always skipped the classes and bullied others.But,somehow nobody can do anything because his parents is really rich and they are the one who keep supporting the school.Even with his bad ass attitude,Jiyong is still loved by lots of girl cause for them he look stylish and hot.Jiyong is really ignorant.He think he own everything in this world.He used and throw his girlfriend like changing clothes.But somehow its never affect his fans.Along by his side is Choi Seung Hyun called Top and Youngbae who people love to call Taeyang,cause eventhough he is Jiyong bestfriend,he is still nice and humble.

On the other side,on this big school,live a young lonely boy studying there too.His name is Seungri.For the whole school,this boy is really mysterious.He always look pale and his deem meaningful eyes.He also avoided to socialize with people except his bestfriend and one and only friend who is Kang Daesung,a really caring sweet young boy.Seungri was known as an arrogant students by everyone at the end cause he was intelligent and popular among the teachers.Seungri never interested in the school gossips,even if he know about something,it must be Daesung who told those to him to kill the time.

Today,Daesung and Seungri walk together to the school like usual.

"So how is everything at your home Ri?" Daesung ask after they finished crossing the road.

"Uhm..Everything is fine Daesung ah.I'm glad my family members can already accept the fate.I am worry how will they handle it if it happen soon.But now,I believe they can already let me go.I'm happy." Seungri said smiling while Daesung look at him sad and he link his hand on Seungri shoulder and rest his head on it while walking together.

"I'm gonna miss you Seungri...." Daesung said voice sound hoarse like he was about to cry.

"Shh...Don't be sad Dae...Its gonna be ok.." Seungri said consoling his one and only friend to not feel sad.

Seungri realize that Daesung was feeling sad and he feel bad for being the reason.He quickly find a things to talk about and make he forget about this fast.

"Dae?Anything interesting happen in our school recently?" Seungri ask look interested and he glad when Daesung suddenly being cheerful back and talk about everything he know to Seungri.Actually,Seungri never interested in those gossips at all.But,he just want to see Daesung movement,smile and happiness in his eyes when he talk about all that.He want to adore his smile so much,until the last day.He want to keep looking at his happiness.

'Dear God,please take care of this smile for me.Please take care of this precious human for me.I left him to you ok?' Seungri thought.

After both of them reach school,they walk into the school and suddenly a rushing car enter the school too and nearly hit Seungri.Luckily Daesung managed to saw it and quickly pulled him to the side harshly making both of them fall on the ground but he make sure to let Seungri fall on him.He can't get hurt.Seungri feel his leg hurt,he open his eyes and look at Daesung that was laying under him and he was on his chest while Daesung wrapped his hand around Seungri protecting him.

"Hey!!You want to die nerdy!?Go die!Just don't broke my expensive car!Stupid!" The driver,one of the student,curse and shout at both of them then throw a bottle that managed to hit Seungri head.Luckily it was not that hard.

"Beggar!" He shout then drove away.Seungri judt look at the car going away then he look to Daesung that was already sit down and rubbing his shoulder.

"Are you ok Seungri?" Daesung ask .

"How could you let yourself under me Dae...You gonna hurt yourself..See your clothes is already dirty.." Seungri said sound sad and weak but Daesung just smile and cupped Seungri cheeks.

"I'm alright as long as my precious bestfriend is alright.Come on,lets go." He stand up then help Seungri to stand up and walk to the school entrance.

They walk toward the locker and sadly Daesung locker was a bit far away from Seungri.So they need to seperated and take things at their locker before entering the class together.Seungri open his locker and then put the books neatly inside then he pick the books needed for next classes and arranging the locker neatly back before closing the locker door.When Seungri walk,he loved to look down to the floor to avoid eye contact with everyone he didn't know.

Seungri walk rushing,feel like he can't breathe standing in the middle of this many people,he feel like people is talking about him.Low self-confidence.He walk rushing and fate somehow being weird to him today when he accidentally hit a person while he was walking resulting he to fall backward and landed on the floor with books scattered on the floor.Everyone that was chatting around suddenly stopped,and make the whole corridor in silent.

"I'm so sorry...I'm sorry.." Seungri said bowing numerous time while kneeling infront on the person who know who,collecting his books nervous and panic.But then,a stranger bend his leg and squat on the floor and helped him to collect the books together making Seungri look at him scared and nervous.But instead,he just smile.

"Are you alright?" Youngbae ask and Seungri just nodded weakly.

"This,your books." Youngbae said offering the books then Seungri take a moment to process his brain and he quickly take the books and bow.

"Thank..thank you.." Just when he was about to walk away,suddenly his hand was grab harshly making he gasp and turn around to meet a new face.

"Where do you think you are going to?" Seungri nervously gulped his saliva before making eye contact and somehow his hear stop beating when he look at him.This guy,wearing black eyeliner,with fancy clothes and strong colongne that somehow he loved the smell is staring at him with his scary eyes and not letting go of his wrist.

"You had dirt my clothes!Now you want to run away just like that?Haha..." He said sound dark.

"I..I'm so..sorry..." Seungri said stutter and then he look at him deep and grab his hand more tight.

"Do you think sorry is enough?Kneel down." He said cold.

"I said kneel down and beg me to forgive you!You annoying brat!" He said then forcing Seungri by his hand to kneel on the floor earning loud gasp from the boy.

"Auch!" Seungri shout in pain then suddenly,Daesung run from nowhere and he stop shock with what is happening infront of his eyes.

'Seungri had got himself in trouble with the people he shouldn't!Oh My God!' He though panic.

Since today the Goodbye MV of 2NE1 came out,I decide to make a new story for everyone.I know,some of you is really sad about either.This will just be a short story.I'm still in trauma cause the reporting things.But,someone told me that "If you love what you are doing,keep doing it.What people said doesn't matter,it is how you feel." And I decided to start again.Sigh...It had been more then 3 times I did like this.Thinking to quit.But thanks to everyone,always give me support.I love you guys,soo bad.I wish I can hug everyone now.*Group hug* Please comments what do you think ok?And welcome new readers ❤🤗

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