My Oppa

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"Jiyong stop it.He had already apologize to you." Youngbae said not agreeing with how his bestfriend behave right now.And he feel worry about the boy.He know Seungri is a really nice boy and he was a quiet one.He feel pity to him for getting involved with his bad ass bestfriend in this way.

"You shut up Bae.I am so angry right now." Jiyong said harsh and dark.

"I'm so sorry!" Everyone turn their attention to Daesung that was rushing walk toward Seungri side and squat on the floor beside him holding his shoulder.

"Hey?Are you alright?" Daesung ask worry as he saw Seungri face is getting paler.

"Who are you that brave enough to interupted my bussiness?" Jiyong ask sound frustrated.

"I'm Kang Daesung,I'm sorry from behave of my friend.Please let him go." Daesung said supporting Seungri by holding his shoulder tight.

"I don't need you.I need him to apologize!Faster!!" Jiyong shout loud and suddenly Seungri fall backward and lucky enough Daesung supported his back with his hand.

"Oh my God Seungri!" Daesung shout panic when Seungri was already nearly fainted as his eyes was already like want to close.Youngbae panicly squat on the other side and check Seungri pulse and he glare at Jiyong that was somehow feel..scared?

"Let's get him to the infimary room first.His pulse is really low." Daesumg was about to carry him up but then he gasped,and look to his hand.Bruised.

'This must from the event that happen at the school gate before.'

"Your hand is bruised.Its alright.I will carry him up." Youngbae said then pick Seungri that he just know 10 minutes ago and run toward the infirmary room leaving the corridor in full awkwardness.Everyone decided to leave the place immediately since Jiyong was kinda look scary.Jiyong squat on the floor,and take a student card on the floor.And he read it.

Lee Seunghyun
22 Years Old
Artistic class

'Lee Seung Hyun.You wait for me.Seungri.' Jiyong thought grab the card hard tight in his palm.

At the infirmary room,Youngbae lay Seungri down on the bed while Daesung was in the verge of tears holding Seungri hand.Then a doctor came in rushingly.He quickly check on Seungri pulse and his eyes pupils with the torch light.

"I think we need to bring him to the hospital.He seems in a bad condition.I can't treat this here.We don't have the equipment.Come,follow me to the hospital." He said then Youngbae carry Seungri up back and run to the car but all of them gasp panic when the doctor car was blocked by other car and he cannot drive it away.

"Oh my God!Seungri please hold on...What should we do now!" Daesung ask panic and already crying.

Then suddenly,out of nowhere a car pulled off beside three of them.A black Lamborghini car.The window was turned down shown Jiyong face.

"Get inside everyone." Jiyong said wearing his black sunglasses and eventhough Daesung feel scared,he just followed cause Seungri is the most important thing now.Nothing else.

Jiyong open his jacket and put it on Seungri body when he realize how thin is his clothes making Daesung shocked but covering it away and his bestfriend can just afford to smile.He know Jiyong can't hurt someone too bad.Especially people like Seungri,innocent and fragile.

After 3 minutes driving like a racing car,Jiyong pulled off at the emergency room and all of them get out from the car.Suddenly,Jiyong went to Youngbae and he slide his hand under Seungri body gently making his bestfriend shock but just slowly let him carry him up.

"I,Daesung and doc will send him inside.You please help me turn off the car ok Bae?" Jiyong said and Youngbae nodded and Jiyong quickly run toward the room and the nurses bring out a bed and Jiyong laid Seungri on the bed gently then he was rushed into the emergency room,leaving Jiyong and Daesung that was in tears with him.

"Seungri...." Daesung called Seungri name sound so stressed up.

Just then Youngbae come toward them with two another looking old person like an adult rushing with a girl beside them toward the emergency room too.

"Daesung ah!What happen to him?" The woman ask panic and look tired and Daesung can just afford to hug her and cry on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry...I'm so sorry...I failed to protect him...I'm sorry aunty..." Daesung said and the woman just patted his back.

"Its alright Dae ah..Don't blame yourself...He will be ok..." The woman said and Jiyong can just afford to turn look other place but then the man sit beside him.

"You are the one that help to send my son here right?I'm thankful...Thank you so much...You are so nice boy....Thank you for taking care of my son...I'm so thankful to you..Thank you..." That man said and Jiyong can just afford to smile sadly toward him.

He feel bad,he was the one who cause Seungri to be in this situation,but he got all this thanks like this.

"Neh uncle...I'm glad I could help him.." Jiyong reply smiling and Youngbae can just afford to smile from far.

'I know what you are thinking about Jiyong ah...I am worry too...I know you didn't mean it to go this way.....Its alright..He will be fine..' Youngbae prayed in his heart.

"Appa....will Riri oppa be alright?" Suddenly the girl that seems younger then Seungri ask to her dad in tears and Jiyong feel bad for some reason.

"I'm not sure Hanna yah...Let's hope your brother will be alright ok?Stay strong for him Hanna...You know he loved you so much right?He will feel really sad if he know you cried again like this.." The man said then hold the girl hand and wipe her tears.

"Are oppa friend?" Hanna ask looking at Jiyong and he smile back at her.

"Yeah..I am..Seungri's friend...Nice to meet you..Hanna.." Jiyong said and she look at him and smile weakly.

"Please....can you help me...Can you take care of my oppa....He is sick....I know you are a good oppa friend...Please help him....Oppa is a good boy...He loved to play with me....Now oppa always sleep...Appa said he need rest...he is tired....oppa is changing...I'm worry....Is oppa alright?" That girl said clearly sad and Jiyong can't help but to feel like his eyes get teary too.He hug the girl and patted her back.

"I love my oppa..." She whisper and Jiyong just nodded.

"I know...I know...I love him too...." Jiyong said,

For the first time,since long time ago,someone managed to make him cry again.And now,he know.He gotta protect this young boy.No matter what.


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