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Slowly making her way inside the filling art class, Tally poked her neck out, only to find there was nobody sitting in the leather roller chair. Her warm cup was held secured with each crimson polished finger, except her pinky which stuck out unconsciously. She exhaled stressfully, dreading if the next teacher would be temporary or permanent, not wanting to deal with the dying croaking frog of the last substitute teacher, and the one who reeked of mothballs the day before that. She set her backpack down, slid off her jacket, and smoothed out her skirt as she plopped down atop the squeaky leather chair; primping a now dry wave of her black and brown hair behind her ear.

Tally recalled the faint lilac freshener Miss Branson had laying atop her desk near her computer, the way the top was neatly organized, and the blue vase of fake carnations she had to the top right corner. She closed her eyes, flashing back to when she would stay after class, how Miss Branson's media player was full of songs from The Beatles, and her favorite was Norwegian Wood. She'd let Tally sit at her desk and play any tune she desired. All while they argued hilariously over which of the two front men were better, and what if Lennon was still around in present day. It was all so blissful. Until that day where Miss Branson was called out in the middle of her lesson, only to return with tears brimming her lightly mascaraed eyes; when her curse jar of twenty-five cents was revealed to Principle Calloway.

Tally felt a pang of remorse cursing out a total stranger, yet she breathed a sigh of relief knowing she probably won't ever see that ruggedly handsome older man again in her life. Her nails tapped atop the wooden surface of the polished desk before she pulled out her phone, undoing the tangled wire of her headphones. She placed both buds in before selecting Cherry Pie, allowing the guitar riffs to drown out the noise of the other students. Until a gentle hand twirled her chair around.

"So Benji told me he has ask you something later." Marcia raised her eyebrows with a wink of her wisteria shimmered eye.

Tally ripped out her right earbud and pursed her lips with curiosity. The warming blush rose to the apple of her cheeks upon hearing his name, thinking of his this auburn curls and steel blue eyes.

"You think he's gonna-" She cut off, signaling to Marcia with a subtle nod of her head.

Marcia's fair, highlighted skin gave off a glow under the panel of the white light. She took out her bottle of Paris Hilton's perfume, spritzing it all over her Bye-Felicia shirt.

"Girl, what are you asking me for? C'mon I can't blow the bombshell." She zipped her clear glossy lips in the thin air.

"Marsh, is it wrong that I feel bad for shooting the bird?"

"Tally stop worrying your pretty little head, it's not like he's coming back around sweets."

"At least he spared my rims."

Just then the door flew open to the glabrous head of Principle Calloway, greeting every student.

"Mr.Farron, are you coming? There's somebody I'd like for you to meet."

A dude? Great, that's all we needTally thought to herself as the joyous head of the school approached her. She stood up, giving him her undivided attention.

"Miss McCarthy." He greeted with an ecstatic smile.

"Good morning." She chirped, nudging Marcia to speak. Yet just as she opened her mouth to utter a simple "Hi", she was interrupted by Galloway's enthusiasm.

"Good news girls. You now have a permanent teacher. Mr.Farron is definitely going to need some help around here. Can I count on you Miss McCarthy?"

"You have my word sir!" Tally poked her neck out as she reached for her cup.

"So, um... Did he get lost?"

She sipped at her tea nonchalantly as she heard the song fade out in her left ear and transition to another. The door creaked wide open and a familiar deepened voice questioned:

"Excuse me, is Calloway here?"

Tally's nose twitched questionably as she took in another gulp, the same moment her eyes wheeled up to see the dark long-sleeve shirt, denims, and the two-toned hair. All belonging to the man she flipped off. A warming blend of floral honey rose back up in her throat. Her hand grew numb, and her cup collapsed to the floor. The light brown liquid puddled up near her boots.

She gulped harshly, coughing out uncontrollably.

"Tally, are you okay?" Marcia patted her back before Tally signaled her to a whisper.

"That was the asshole I flipped off."

Marcia let out a gasp instantly and gazed down at the empty surface of the desk.

"You alright Miss McCarthy?" Calloway questioned with consternation, not to mention his admiration for the young red-lipped artist.

"Um, yeah. Wrong way you know. Um, I'll clean this up. I'm so sorry."

Tally strutted out from behind the desk, her boots thumped against the tiling, and her face flushed with disbelief.

"Damn Adriane." Layne Reynolds commented as she walked past him. His straight, long, dirty blonde hair drooped over his shoulders.

"Shut up Staley." She joked before she approached the dreaded nightmare before her eyes. Knowing she was bound to be spellbound by the menacing allurance of his fiery jade eyes and the subtle smile on his face.

She smoothed out her shirt, and straightened her shoulders.

"Pleasure to meet you." She blurted out with a delicate sarcasm before strutting out the room, enraged by his sight.

This isn't happening, I'm just going to walk back in and it will all just be in my head. You're just guilt tripping Tally. It's normal. He's not really here.

Tally snatched a few paper towels from the dispenser and made her way back. Inhaling deeply before she opened the door to the piercing gleam of his eyes. Calloway was nowhere in sight. She felt the door push her a tad more in as she crossed her arms.

"Well hello there, Miss Talia McCarthy." He chuckled with a smirk, meeting her hardened gaze.

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