Chapter 4

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I slowly peaked out the attic door to be sure no one would see me. I saw that the hallway was clear and I tiptoed out. I hide the diary under my arm, I wanted to read it all but I knew mother wouldn't like me reading a strangers personal thoughts. I walked with a slight speed until I reached my room. I closed the door behind me, the thought of unpacking already made me tired. I wish everything would just put itself together. I wanted to curl up in my bed with this diary and just escape. My dresser was in the corner I slipped the book in the top drawers and threw some of my clothes on top. There in case mother wanted to put laundry away she wouldn't see the book. I was pleased with my hiding spot and knew my secret would be safe. I wonder who Adaline McIntire is? Where did she go? Were all of those belongings hers and why would she just leave them here? Lost in my train of thought I snapped back when my bedroom door slammed shut. I jumped into the air my heart pounding hard in my chest. I whipped my head around to see nothing there. I looked over toward the windows all closed not a bit of a draft in the room. I walked toward the door my heart still in my throat. There must be a draft in the hallway, I hope it doesn't catch in my room. Nothing will be more horrible than a drafty house in the wild winters wind. I opened the door not surprised to see that it was empty. I check the hall windows and not one was open nor could I feel any sort of a draft. How odd, I wonder what happened, perhaps it was a fluke of a draft coming from somewhere else. I looked out the hallway window, the backyard has a area for a sitting garden that I imagine would be so beautiful once the spring settled in. I could see the old lady's house as well, she was outside picking at her yard. She wore a long blue dress with an apron. Her gray hair tied back in a bun. I watched her wide eyed as she moved around her lawn. She stood straight standing there so still, as if someone somewhere had pushed a button to make her motions stopped. I tried adjusting my head so I could see what she was staring at, her back to me I could see what caught her attention. I saw turn around her icy blue eyes locked right in  my direction. It felt as if she was standing right in front of me, breathing cold her eyes locked into the very depths of my entire being. Chills crossed my skin as the air grew tight the world became silent as if my hearing completely stopped. My bedroom door that I left open slammed shut. I broke the spell of her icy stare to turn to look at my room. The noise has echoed through the hall, I could feeling it vibrating my body. I turned quickly back to the old woman but she was gone. No mark that she had been there. I glance through out my view she was out of sight completely gone, how could she move so fast I looked away for only a moment.

           Bitter air filled the hallway, I felt eyes staring at me yet I was alone. The fear from the dream found its way back into my body. I tried shaking it off that the dream had just took my nerves for a spin and it was simply a draft in the hallway

"Hello?...Mom?....Dad?" I called, thinking that one of them would answer me. I looked back out the window to see my parents talking with the woman. Must be introducing themselves as friendly neighbors are expected to do. I raced down the stairs and out the front door. My breathe trying to keep up as my legs are moving faster than I could ever get them to move in my life. I met my parents near the back garden when they were in mid small talk. All three stopped to greet me. 

"Ellie, this is our daughter Irelynn, Irelynn darling this is our neighbor Ellie she insist we call her that. Please be polite and respect her space."

"Of course mother, nice to meet you Miss. Ellie" I went to shake the woman's hands. Her hair silver with few strands of black, her eyes blue and icy her lips thin and her face aged. Her hair neatly tucked back into a bun as she wore her dress and apron. Once our hands touched I hear a whisper in my hear. I couldn't make it out what it was saying but I could feel the breathe touching my skin.

"Nice to meet you as well Irelynn, what a beautiful name, are you Irish?" her voice was smooth and pleasing to the ears. 

 " That we are! my grandparents came from Ireland. I was very close to them when my parents passed, so we wanted to name our joy after a land so beautiful" my father answer the pride swelling from his chest

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