solanum tuberosum

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This is the scientific word of potatoes. It speaks of their scientific family name and other interesting things such as species. So yeah. 

Salmon is one specimen of the solanum tuberosum family. He looks like a salmon but with a Salmon. He is the shape, colour and size of one of these fish; if you bite into him, he will taste like potatoes. Salmon is really annoying because he follows the actual salmon around and they are angry at him because they exclude differences. They prefer perfection.  

Lots of times, Salmon goes to sleep and in the morning he wakes up and all his salmon friends are gone. He has to go on long journeys to find them again which if very annoying and takes too much time and he cries.

One day when his 'friends' swam away he could not find them and was attacked by an evil bear. It took him out of the water and bit into him. Suddenly the bear let out a cry of anger. 

"This is not salmon!" The bear yowled.

"I am potato." Salmon said. 

The bear spat him out and stomped on him in anger, leaving Salmon feeling like a bag of potatoes. (He was carrying the weight of many more.) 

Salmon could not move since he was smushed into the ground. He sighed as little stupid animals came up to him and ate his flesh and stuff which made him very dead. 

Suddenly Salmon existed no more. 

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