potato scientist

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There once was a potato named Jerldeen. She was a scientist. She strived to create a world where potatoes were safe from humans, because humans were monsters that needed to be caged.

Jerldeen had a hard time with science. It probably had something to do with the fact that she had no brain. that did make things difficult.

she was currently working on a project that involved stabbing needles into a humans fleshy skin. So far she hadnt gone far; she couldnt een find a human to experiment on.

Jerldeen decided to set out on a mission. She packed her bag which was somewhat of a miracle since she had no arms. She packed the needles and nothing else since shes an idiot.

She set out on a journey. She moved about as fast as a grass, because she had no legs or arms. And potatoes cant walk anyway.

Eventually a human walked to her and jerldeen lifted the needle. The ugly human stepped upon the stabber and cried out. She scowled down at jerldeen and started to reach towards her.

Jerldeen screamed and rolled faster than ever before (this time she was as fast as a snail). Suddenly there was a loud explosion noise and jerldeen screamed as she was thrown in the air.

She was blown a part but she died with the satisfaction that the human had also died.

Just kidding she was too dead to ve satisfied or even dead.

And the human actually survived, jerldeen was just seeing what she wanted to.

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