What Potato

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Once there was a stupid potato named Ammurica. Mostly all she did was scream and run in terror, and sometimes cried because she was so angry. Ammurica could sometimes be confused with a wild bull, because she had sharp horns on her head to butt annoying people on the head. She also had hair on her head like a human.

Ammurica was very confused a lot of the time, because the world is a confusing place. One time she wanted to buy a food but then she realized she had no money and she was confused. It was a hard time for her.

She liked to walk through the fields with her pet dogs. One day when she was doing this, her giant dog stepped on her and she died. Ammurica cried as she died, because she felt like she had been betrayed. 

"How could you?" She sobbed feebly to the dog. "I trusted you."

The dog said "squirrel." and ran away.

Ammurica died as the sun set behind her like rays of blood. 

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