Watt's Inside?

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We get things going with a lil' ditty, You Are The Machine, from the one and only MadMikeMarsbergen!

Next up it's contest time! Results and honourable mentions from the Alien Invasion issue, and for this issue we steer away from caption contests and revisit an old favourite...

SimoneFar presents a short story, The Toymaker

Time for a little poetry, with AngusEcrivain's Cigarette Verses...

Ditty-Fiction from jinnis, entitled Sleeping Beauty.

This month's Spotlight Author is LovelyBurns, so come on over and find out what she's all about!

ChristopherArmstron8 brings a short story our way; The Stroke of Noon.

Smith & Jones is brought to you this month by AngusEcrivain... Although to be fair, it should really be entitled Kris & the Universe this month!

Holly_Gonzalez gets her Clockpunk on and brings you a short story, Unconventional Liaisons.

A few recommendations now, from us at Ooorah and the rest of the SF community!

Nursery Rhyme time, thanks to angerbda!

MadMikeMarsbergen presents #askmadmike

And we finish off with a drabble from AngusEcrivain, WD-40!     

Tevun-Krus #43 - ClockPunkWhere stories live. Discover now