Flash Fiction, Anyone?

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Before we get to that though, we should probably sort out a winner from last month's caption contest, eh?

Well, this was the image...

Well, this was the image

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And the winning entry is...

"...But I ordered the duck." by Red_Harvey

Honourable mentions, of course, to...

MadMikeMarsbergen for "Eighteen inches? Is that all?"

eyeexeyeeye for 'My niece says, "It's probing time!"' 

ChristopherArmstron8 for 'Intergalactic surgery is not worth it. I want my refund... keep that thing outta me. This is inhumane.' 


Right, now that's out of the way what do you say we get down to business?

So some of you might recall back in the early days of Tevun-Krus, we didn't host caption contests. Nope, instead we had contests of a much more challenging nature.

Well you know what? We figured it's about time we return to our roots and as we're all about bitchin' Sci-Fi, why not prompt you to write said bitchin' Sci-Fi?

With that in mind, are y'all ready for a prompt?


It's Renaissance Italy. You're an inventor's assistant working late whilst your Master or Mistress is out whoring or drinking - probably both - when there is a knock upon the door.

With much trepidation - times are dangerous, after all - you open the door to find a hooded individual standing in the doorway and after but a moment's worth of deliberation, you stand aside to allow said hooded individual entry.


Your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to write a 500 word piece of flash fiction making use of the above prompt as inspiration!

Once complete, post a link to your entry in the comments' section below and we'll announce a winner next issue.

The closing date, to permit a little time for judging of entries, is Sunday, June 25th.

Tevun-Krus #43 - ClockPunkWhere stories live. Discover now