Spotlight Author: @LovelyBurns

66 19 16

So... Who the hell are you? Give us five random - though of course, nothing is truly random - facts about yourself.

What could I tell you? I don't really like talking about me, I never know what to say...

I live in France, but my parents are indian and vietnamese.

Funny fact, some people can tell that I'm not entirely Indian when they look at me, but it's really few people...

I have two little brothers, one of them strickly don't look like me at all. He really has a white skin (like my father when he was young) contrarly to me.

I've never weared spectacles (apart sunglasses) and I'm an optician...

When I have free time, I directly go to see what's new on Wattpad x) (I seriously don't know what to say about me sorry ><)

What did you want your schoolyard nickname to be?

Sharmi. Pretty simple, I know XD

When you were a young padawan, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A doctor ! Like most children of my age, I was no exception !

Other than writing and/or reading, what hobbies do you have?

I play cello when I have time. I was also in a choir, but stopped it because of studies. Maybe one day, I will sing again in a choir or somewhere else, that was a nice experience and I found out that I liked singing !

At the moment, I'm trying to draw... I would draw a lot when I was in highschool but I don't know, I just stop when I began studying medecine. Now I'm trying to do some portraits again.

As your crew cast your lifeless body into the core of the nearest star, list three pieces of music likely to be rattling the bulkheads.

First, I should have done something really nasty to them...

Second, I don't listen to musics a lot. Just the commercial ones that you can see on tv but I'm not searching for new songs to hear when I'm free. I have a sad life I know...

I can still talk about some musics that I listened not long ago like Bad Girls by Lee Hyori, Poupée de Cire Poupée de Son by France Gall, Highway to Hell by AC/DC. (I was nostalgic XD)

Who is your all-time favourite author? Why is that?

There are too many authors that I like ! Hard question, all authors have a different way to give readers some emotions. I'm an avid reader, so even though their writing styles are different, I can like many authors... I'm not original, I will choose Robin Hobb.

Of everything you have written, what is your favourite?

Hard question ! I would say my first story ever written : La Promesse – Hestia. (I'm actually doing a translation on WeLovelyBurns' account.) A revenge story with werewolves, sorcerers, angel, auras, and bloods.

...and what is your fans' favourite?

Haha La Promesse – Hestia certainly since it's the story which have the most views. But I try writing in different genres. I wrote a story with a character with amnesia and it had quite a success. A good surprise for me !

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