Possibly mad friends (unedited)

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I had to admit that this case was becoming far more extravagant then I had expected. Not the case itself but the adventure that followed. For example the other day I had met a few how should I say this ........ Possibly mad friends of ciel's.

Madam red was a woman whom as the name implied had a wild love for the colour red as was shown through her clothing choice. I had to admit she was a little full on for my tastes but she could prove useful.

Grell was Madam red's butler and I'm pretty sure he has a few screws lose yet I can't be sure. I don't believe she thinks much of him but I guess that's due to how he's a little lost at times.

Lau from what I could gather was a man from somewhere in Asia, I think it was china. He seems to be an opium dealer and quite mad but it seems that most of ciel's friends are. He also has a female friend but she doesn't really talk at all but I think he said her name was ran mao.

We had been investigating for a while and had managed to narrow down the suspects to a single person. I was quite shocked to find that it was this person as he didn't seem to have the motive that I would expect of him and there surely wasn't any way that he was skilled enough to perform these murders but I never question this as I knew many people had an act they hid behind.

Time Skip ****

Victoria helped me to change into another fine gown for the party at Lord Druitt's home. He was the only suspect in this case but I still had my doubts about him but a suspect was a suspect I guess. I was wearing a teal dress tonight but it wasn't my most favoured colour so I wasn't too fond of it.

As I walked down the stairs with Victoria I found ciel waiting in the carriage and nearly collapsed with laughter, he was disguised as a girl and was wearing a lovely pink dress. I was still giggling to myself when I sat down on the soft fabric and was hiding it horribly.

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