Excellent Milady (unedited)

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I had ended up spending most of the night with Sebastian whether we were dancing or simply talking. I hadn't learned much about him and apart from those constant crimson eyes there was no evidence to suggest any demonic origins. I had started to think less about those eyes as after all I couldn't use that as evidence or I'd have to assume myself as one due to my bright purple eyes.

I had lost track of Victoria but decided to search for her later when the party died down a bit but I was unsure of how long that would take as it still seemed to be in its prime.

"Milady do you mind if we talk outside for a moment"

"Oh of course Sebastian"

I felt his hand take hold of mine as he led me out towards the darkened gardens, for some reason they seemed more alive at night how odd.

"Milady I have a proposal from my master to offer to you"

"Oh really what is it"

"Well I'm sure you know of how my master is the queen's guard dog, well we are having problems with a particular case and my master is sure that you are just the person to help us"

"Really I'm not too sure"

"Oh I assure you that you'll be perfect and also it would give you extra time before you have to return to your father and deal with a certain problem"

That was true maybe it would give father time to cool down and reconsider it ... wait how did Sebastian know about it. How strange I thought.

"I guess if you really need my help"

"Excellent milady"

Time skip ****

It was around mid-day the day after the ball and I was sitting in the garden reading over the case files that ciel had given me this morning. I had decided to help them with this case and I shouldn't admit it but I wanted to stay for more reasons than just this case but I didn't care to admit them even to myself.

I had to admit this killer was quite interesting but I was still un-sure as to whether it was only one as the method of killing was rather violent, yet a certain part of the body was removed with the care of a surgeon. This had led me to suspect two killers but I did require more evidence to back this up.

I still worried about father as I knew this case would not last forever so I would not be able to stay away from the problem for much longer, one day I would have to face it and as far as I knew I had one option, the only option that father would ever approve of and that was to just suck it up and deal with it.

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