Chapter 6~ It's really complicated

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First, follow @/rauramountains on Instagram. Then, read @/dmalikz' fanfic. It's awesome  

Shocked that I might have "really" moved over Ross, I texted Raini

Laura~ I think I like Parker.

Raini~ OMG, LAURA THIS IS HUGE. Wait.. .What about Ross?

I choked down tears. Why did I feel like I was doing something wrong?

Laura~ He never replied to my text last night. I'm tired of waiting on him.

Raini~ Oh, mija. You know what, good for you Laur. Never wait on a guy.

Laura ~ Austin and Ally quote... Really Rainy?


Laura- Nahhhh... Well, I'm gonna try and get some sleep. Ttyl...

~Except I couldn't sleep. Despite the fact that I was exhausted, my body refused to sleep. Groggily, I put on a hoodie and went to take a walk. As I walked around the hotel, I couldn't shake the feeling that someone watching me. But everytime I turned around there was no one.

You're probably just tired Laura. Every normal person is sleeping, and so should you.

With that thought, I slid my key into my hotel room door and finally was able to sleep.


The Next morning, The shooting of a Sort of Homecoming.Katherine Nackmera's dressing room. 

"Oh my gosh." Kat gushed. "I have something so important to tell you."

"Me too." I smiled. "You go first."

"Okay here goes." Kat breathed. "I like Parker."

Although internally I was freaking out, I did what I do best. I acted.

"That's so cool." I gushed.

She blushed, "Don't tell anyone."

"I won't, don't worry." I promised.

She grinned. "What were you going to tell me?"

Oh no. I was going to tell Kat that I liked Parker. But she likes him too. Oh lord, what should I say? I can't tell her that now. It could ruin our friendship. And now I can't tell Parker I like him because Kat will hate me forever. Why is my life so complicated? Dear lord, what am I going to do?

I looked at her pensively, "I bought you a chocolate bar."

She grinned as I took my emergency ration of food out from my purse and handed it to her..

"Thank Laura." she smiled as she hastily tore the wrapper and handed me a piece. 


 That night, I walked to my room deep in thought. I told Kat and Parker that I needed "some time alone" and then I winked at Kat so that she didn't worry and thought I was trying "set" her and Parker up. 

As I walked I thought about how everytime I liked a boy, something had to screw it up.

The first boy I had liked, was in 5th grade. Everytime I was around him, I would do something stupid and he thought I was crazy and annoying klutz. Then, there was Ross. He liked me, but I tried to protect our friendship and lost him too. Then there was Mason, the guy who asked me to prom. He was sweet, but I was too in love with Ross to ever return his feelings. He moved on too. Now, there was Parker who one of my closest friends liked.

It's just your luck Laura. You were meant to be alone.

I was so busy in my thoughts, that I didn't hear Parker and Kat's startled cries. I saw red lights flashing at me, and then I was knocked unconscious. 


Parker's POV

I screamed in horror that huge truck hit Laura, and  saw the truck zoom bye. What a jerk.

"Call 911", I yelled to Kat. 


A/N-poor laura. sorry about thecliff hanger... comment and vote for more :) 

1000 readers <3! I really am so grateful, I mean i know thi is nothing compared to the people who have like 3 million but I still couldn't be more grateful to you guys. Thank you, thank you, thank you for being so supportive. It means so so so so much to me <3

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