Games and Fights

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Dedicated to campos0314!!! Thanks for all the votes and adding my story. Hope you enjoy the chapter!

Brandon Pov...

I stood there thinking it was a dream. "No way..." I whispered. "No way, no way, No Way!!" I sang. In front of me was a 'Ferrari 458 italia.' I walked over to it in disbelief.

"I cant believe it. This is'nt real? I've been wanting this since forever." I said more to myself than Ashley. She put her head on my shoulder and peeked over it.

"Do you like it? It took me forever to find the right one." She said sweetly. I turned around and hugged her, picking her up in the process and spinning around. She giggled as her hair flew in our faces. 

I put her down and she had a smile on her beautiful face. I kissed her soft lips surprising her but she quickly responded back. She put her arms around my neck and I held her waist. I stopped and put my forehead on hers.

"I'm speechless I dont know what to say!." "Then dont say anything." She said pecking my lips. "I love it so much. I cant thank you enough." I whispered. She chuckled a bit, "It's your 18th birthday. I had to get you something special. Plus I date you. No worries Mr. Charming." She winked. I laughed tilting my head back slightly. 

"Well you've done so much stuff for me tonight. I think you earned yourself a present from me." "No, No, No. It's your birthday." "No but you've done things that are so amazing tonight. I have to do something for you." She tilted her head to the side slightly. "Like what?"

"Hmm maybe that date I promised you." "Really!" She said clapping her hands together with excitement, smiling widely. I nodded chuckling. "Yay. I cant wait for it." "Me either." 

"Hey guys. Whoa sweet ride. Whos is it?" We heard a voice call out from the front door. Chris came in view and turned on the porch light.

"Mine. Ashley bought it for me as a birthday present." "Day-um, Is this because its your birthday? Dang, Cant wait for my birthday." I saw Ashley roll her eyes.

"Dude you have to let me drive this." He said running his hands on the side looking into the car window. "Hey Chris." "Yeah?" "Shut up." I laughed. He shrugged and stood up straight again. 

"So you guys coming or are you gonna smooch some more?" He smirked. I looked to Ashley, she was blushing with a perfect 'O' shaped mouth.

"Well nows probably the best time to tell them, huh?" She nodded shyly putting her hand over her chest nervously. "Don't worry. It will be fine." She nodded and held my hand. 

We walked inside to see everyone sitting on the couch and at the table. "Hey guys I... We have something to tell you." I said getting everyone's attention. "Um... I... we..." Ashley sputtered. "Ashley and I are dating." I burst out. Everyones eye popped out of their heads except for Brooke and Chris.

"What really?!" Annabeth squealed. "Yes really." I laughed. "Aw I always thought you guys would be a cute couple." She giggled. Violet huffed and went upstairs stomping like a five year old. 

Everyone stared at her and went silent. "Well that was awkward." Chris said. "I'll go talk to her." Ashley said rubbing my shoulder slightly. Then she took off upstairs.

Ashley's Pov...

I went up stairs and stopped at her door. Why is she so mad? I thought she was over this. I knocked on the door. "Go away Adams. I don't want to talk to you." I came in anyway, closing the door behind me, crossing my arms.

"Well I want to talk. What's wrong?" She grunted turning away from me. "I'm not leaving until..." "Okay, god your so annoying." She interrupted. "So... whats wrong?" She sat up straight blowing some of her hair out of her face. 

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