Chapter 17

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Another whole week I was left bedridden in the Med-hut on Clint's call, but today I get to try standing up. Alby, Newt, Clint and Jeff stood idly by in case anything could go wrong considering how bad of a sprain my ankle was.

"Newt she can do it," Alby reassured him as Newt took a small step backwards with his arms out. It was an easy walk from the bed to Newt but it seemed impossible.

"I can do it guys. Stop worrying," I smiled to ease his worry. I pushed my hands into the bed for leverage, feeling my feet touch the warm Glade floor where I forced all of my weight on them.

"You'll be very weak (Y/N). Be careful," Jeff chimed in.

I stood up and kept all the weight on my feet but they felt numb and tingly under me. I sighed of relief that I was even able to stand up and took one step. My legs became wobbly right before Newt grabbed my hip to help steady me.

"Newt it's okay. My legs just feel like jelly," I laughed, causing him to let go of me. "I'm fine."

I kept walking until I stopped when I felt a sharp sting in my left leg. I looked down at my foot, noticing it's slightly deformed shape and bruised color. I had a limp.

"I can't run at all, can I?" I whispered still looking at my foot.

The boys sighed when I looked up. Alby and Newt exchanged a look before glancing to his own ankle. "I'm sorry," Clint sighed.

"It's alright boys. It just means more time in the Glade," I said with a half smile. It was true. I might not be able to run in the maze but it meant more time in the glade with my boys. This probably meant I was back in the gardens with Zart but I didn't mind. Gardening was easy and fun at times.

"We need to have a gathering. We were waiting till you could walk," Alby told us.

"What about?" I asked limping to the table across the room that held my jeans; I could finally take off these dirty sweat pants.

"You two," he answered.

Nodding, I grabbed my pants from the table. "Well then. Let's go." I figured since Newt was my boyfriend, Clint and Jeff had been the ones to heal me and Alby being Alby, it didn't matter if I changed in front of them.

"Newt let her do it. She has to learn," Jeff chimed in as Newt tried to help me. He reluctantly took a step back with red cheeks and wet eyes. He muttered something but stopped when I grabbed his hand. The boys let us leave first since I was struggling through the grass.

I watched my footing to see if any specific way I placed my foot would ease the pain. I unfortunately never found it.

"What's this gathering about exactly?" I asked Newt who just linked our fingers while watching our legs. We had matching limps. It seemed ironic that the only couple of the Glade had matching limps but what can you do?

"The Runners are worried that since you can't run, you can't be Keeper," he answered sympathetically. It felt like a slap in the face but it made complete sense.

We finished the walk in silence except for the uneven crunching of leaves under our feet. We walked into the Council Hall and noticed it was filled with both the Gladers and Keepers.

I sighed as I noticed every eye staring at my walking. I would forever have this limp, reminding me of the horrors of the maze. None of them knew what i went through, they just saw the aftermath.

Newt offered me a chair and I graciously took it and left our fingers tangled beside my head since he was still standing. I have to say it was tiring walking for the first time in a week and I was pretty exhausted from our short walk, one that three weeks ago would have been effortless.

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