Chapter 15

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"Sweetheart you remember the flares right?" A tall man said across from me. I was young, not a day older than 6, sitting at a round table with my mother, sister and father in the three chairs.

"It's what made grandpa go crazy. It's the disease we have," I asked, my voice innocent like a child's should be.

"No no sweetie," my mother cried as she took my tiny hands. "You don't have the disease. You're healthy just like daddy. You're one of the lucky kids who won't get sick like grandpa."

"Now pumpkin," my father began again. I turned my attention to him. "This means you're very special. People are gonna come and take us somewhere safe with the other not sick kids."

"With mommy and Jessica?" I asked. I watched my sister tilt her head holding her sippy-cup to get a drink. She was only three years old strapped into a high chair.

"No pumpkin. Just me and you. Mommy and Jess are gonna stay here to take care of each other." My little brain couldn't understand why my mother and sister weren't joining my father and I.

Before I had time to question my dad, the door of our house swung open and three men in black gear stormed into the room. My father stood protectively in front of us as my mom picked up my sister. She brought her in front of me and had us hug.

"I love you sissy," my sister smiled, not knowing what was about to happen. None of us did.

"You said we had a few more days," my dad shouted. The guards ignored him to grab my arms and pulled me away from my family.

"Mommy!" I shrieked but my mother could only pick up my sister. My mom knew better than to fight the Wicked guards; that's how we lost my uncle.

"Change of plans. We need all immune children now," one of the guards ordered, not caring about my crying mother behind me.

"You said we had until next week! You can't just run in here—" my dad was screaming at the men before a guard aimed the gun at him, shutting him up.

Cold metal brushed over my neck causing me to wriggle a little unsure, of what was happening. As I felt a gust of soft wind blow over my neck, I whined a little, not that they noticed.

"This one will be Subject A4. Put her with the boys," the guard behind me said as my sister suddenly ran towards me.

My mother reached for her but everything happened too quickly. Two loud gunshots echoed through the house along with bright emits of fire for a second. My mother and sister lay on the ground, bullets in their heads.

"You sons of bitches! You said if you took her then no one else would get hurt! You killed them!" My dad screamed, running at the guards.

The guard's instantly raised their guns. "Stand back! If you step out of line one more time, we will pull the trigger! You're the only immune relative so you're valuable," the other guard explained.

Hands grabbed me so I was pulled off the ground and slung over the guards shoulders. I stared at my mom and sister not sure why they weren't moving. My dad cried as he followed behind me with his arm being held by another guard.

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