Chapter 27

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(Y/N)'s POV

Running wasn't as hard as I thought it would be and not just because of my limp. I expected flashes of memories of the griever or to suddenly breakdown crying over the stress of being in here, but none of that happened. It was just me running with Newt's hand in mine, and my eyes on whichever boy was in front of me. It's just a maze. It's just a maze, I chanted in my head.

We passed the blades that I knew fairly little about since my runs never really took me this far. It was when we got to the far wall that we ended up at the cliff. The cliff was just a narrow bridge over a black abyss that you couldn't see the bottom of. Thomas stopped us before we could get to the cliff, and grouped us against the wall.

"There's two grievers waiting for us. Of course WICKED knew we were coming," Minho said after peeking around the corner. Just the thought of seeing one made my blood run cold. I subconsciously backed up into Frypan who helped keep me up.

"I can't do this," I mumbled looking up at Newt. I couldn't see one of those things again. For months after it happened, I had nightmares about it. How could I actually see one without passing out?

Newt grabbed my shoulders so he could get my full attention. "Yes, you can. You are the strongest Runner in the whole Glade and the best bloody thing that's ever happened to me. You are not giving up now."

"(Y/N), just stick with Chuck and I," Teresa said, tying some of her hair back.

"I love you," I muttered, rising to my tip toes and puling Newt into a hard kiss. It was a dangerous thought, but this might be our last kiss. It was a little longer than planned, but I needed to feel this before I ran to my death.

"I love you," he whispered, turning back to Thomas who was giving yet another pep-talk.

"We make it out of here, or we die trying. Ready?" he asked, banging the end of his staff on the ground. The Gladers cheered as a response and prepared ourselves while Thomas gave the countdown. "Let's go!"

Thomas ran first, screaming as we charged at the two beasts blocking our escape

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Thomas ran first, screaming as we charged at the two beasts blocking our escape. In the mess of boys, Teresa grabbed onto me by the arm so I would stop running as fast. The boys clashed with the first griever and hit it with everything they had, throwing spears and stabbing it with the array of knives they had.

Teresa swung her machete at the leg of a griever, accidentally knocking the key out of Chuck's hands. He chased after it, running away from the grievers and the boys who could protect him. It went against everything my gut was telling, but I knew if I didn't go after him, something bad would happen. So, I ran after him.

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