Chapter 13

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Newt and I had to take the day after the bonfire off again considering we both had wicked hangovers. I didn't mind honestly since it meant Newt and I could spend all day in bed together. Frypan after each meal would generously bring us food before complaining about Newt and my personal space, only for us to laugh and pull on each other a little tighter.

Today I was going back into the maze since it was my job. Newt, however, would be staying inside the Glade considering his hangover was still lingering. As Keeper, I told him he had another day off since it would be unsafe for him to go into the maze like this.

"I love you darling. Why won't you let me run with you?" Newt asked cupping my cheeks as we waited for the doors to open. The other four runners were approaching us as I pecked his lips and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Because you still are hurting. I can't let you run all day like this," I said, his fingers running through my hair.

Tears threatened to spill as he pulled me in closer. "But then you'll be alone."

I tilted his chin up. "Baby look at me. I've come back with you everyday for months. I'll come back to you today and then tomorrow you'll run with me. Please don't cry Newt." I wiped off the tears from his cheeks.

"I just... I can't loose you. This will be the first time you're alone because of me," I pressed my fingers to his lips, gliding them over the red color.

"I'm running alone because I'm the Keeper. You won't loose me. I promise Newt, I'm not going anywhere," I pulled our lips together, tasting his warm tears mixing into my mouth.

Minho came up from behind and gripped Newt's shoulders. "Don't worry shank. I'll make sure this shuckface makes it out."

"Newt please calm down. Everything will fine. I love you," I reassured him before the crunching of gears and the concrete scratching on concrete filled the Glade.

"I love you too. Please come back to me," he begged before I pulled our lips together again. I was trying to give him every ounce of security before I left.

"Always," with another quick kiss, I turned around and ran into the maze following the other two pairs.

I quickly spun around and blew him a kiss just as I turned a corner, leaving him out of sight. I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off but I couldn't tell him that since he was already so nervous. I knew he would be wreck while I was in the maze, he always was when he didn't go with me, but today was the first day someone would be going alone.

Back when the Runners first became a job, the boys wanted a partner for both protection and entertainment (someone to talk to) while they were running all day. I happily paired them up since it also meant I could run with Newt. Today, we had an uneven number which meant someone would be alone and because I am Keeper, I took that responsibility.

I followed Minho and Ben until they split off into section 2 while I ran past to section 4. I always loved running the maze. I temporarily could forget that we were fighting for our lives. I would listen to Newt and my breaths as we took in each other, enjoying the silence the maze offered. Of course it was terrifying but, as contradicting as it was, it was a moment of peace from the boys in the Glade.

I ran to the section I had been in a hundred times before. The same walls, the same vines, the same gooey floors. I didn't mind the continuity as much. Honestly, it brought me comfort being inside a different part of the Glade.

That was until I began to head back. I was earlier than usual since I was alone and wanted extra time to find my way back. I turned the opposite way I went. Right, left, right, right, straight, left, right.

I turned another corner and heard it, the whirring and clicking of the horrendous creatures guarding the maze. I froze, listening intently to the sound and heard it growing behind me. I spun around.

The hideous creature was still staring at me. It's melting figure spilled over its metal legs. The gooey blob like body glided across the floor leaving a trail of goo behind it. It's tail was perked up in the air clenched together as if to show anger.

It's mouth opened as an ear piercing shriek left it. I clasped my hand over my ears and squinted my eyes closed. When I opened, the griever was charging me.

While mumbling a list of profanities, I spun around and ran. My legs carried me down unknown corridors, a section I shouldn't have been in today.

My legs burned as I picked up pace. I turned to my right but felt something crunch around my ankle. I cried out as I gripped onto the corner of the wall. I was being pulled off the wall with my body hovering over the ground.

My knuckles turned white before my sweaty palms dragged across the wall, leaving it completely. I screamed as I was tossed through the air only for my back to slam against the wall, the air sucked from my lungs.

I collapsed on the ground with a hard thump and looked up at the griever. It was charging me again but this time I couldn't move. I scrambled around the ground before a metal claw gripped my back. I was pulled off the ground before feeling the intense prick in my stomach.

I couldn't scream. I just watched the syringe enter my stomach before the black poison filled my body. The griever took the stinger out before gripping my ankle again.

I screamed as loud as my voice could go as the claw squeezed my ankle. The bone in my ankle snapped, an immense pain filling my leg that was enough to pass out.

Now I had some control of my mind. I knew I had to take control now knowing in a day or two I would loose my mind as the other Runners did while going through the changing.

The griever dragged me across the ground with my stomach sliding over the ground. Dirt and goo mixed with the wound, infecting it and most likely making it ten times worse. I heard someone shout something incomprehensible before the griever dropped my leg, my body violently falling to the ground.

My eyes opened but my vision was blurry. I knew the effect a griever sting had; you would either fall unconscious seconds after or you would slowly feel yourself loosing you mind. I guess I was somewhere in the middle.

"(Y/N)!" My name was called but I couldn't respond or even move. I was propped on my hip but gravity pull me into my back, a hard hitting coming to the back of my head because of it.

My eyes stared up at the blue sky knowing I was probably never going to see it again. I held my mouth open as I gasped for air to reach my lungs, still recovering from the earlier minutes encounters.

Hands touched my head until my eyes were directed to a face: Minho's. I couldn't help but smile at my best friend. He was talking to me, his lips were moving, but I couldn't make out a single word.

"I'm sorry," I breathed with every piece of me. I was dying and I was accepting it. Why fight the inevitable, right?

"No no you're gonna be okay! I'm gonna take you to the glade. It's gonna be okay. (Y/N) look at me! Newt needs you! We need you to stay awake," Minho said as I was lifted off the ground. Hands curled under my back and legs, Minho now carrying my bridal style out of the maze.

"Tell him I love him okay?" I breathed as soon as my eyes became unbearably heavy.

Minho was running to the Glade to save me but I didn't want to be saved. I had lost everything and I was ready to die. I had done enough for the glade, I was happy with what I had done.

"No it's gonna fine. You're gonna tell him yourself," Minho said, a tear falling down his cheek. I wished I had enough energy to wipe it off by I couldn't move any part of my body at this point.

"Save my love okay," I said with a smile.

My chest became unusually tight, my vision blackening around the corners until it all faded into black. I accepted sleeping the same moment I felt my body lose all feeling. Then, I was gone.

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