Chapter 6 - Something's not quite right...

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Ben's change to Otter and back was effortless. Fast. Painless. She watched, kind of envious, as he changed back and sat on the lounge in his strange outfit without blinking. Had he any idea how lucky he was to change like that? Julia sat down, kind of stunned, as Beth served everyone cups of coffee.

It took her a few minutes, of Beth serving, and Randy going to the kitchen for the cookies, to recall that he'd said he'd heard of her from Kale. Not from Beth. Not from Yasmine. Or Levi.

He'd heard of her from Kale. Oliver's Uncle. Who, Julia had always assumed, barely knew about her and was even less likely to say anything about her. No one, except the Elders, knew she was advancing all the way to Alpha. Most of the fighters assumed she was trying to be a fighter or at least learn some skills and the rest were led to believe she'd still be taking over the position of Beta eventually.

She bit her lip, waiting for Randy to return, and when he did Julia spoke up carefully. “Um, so you heard of me from Kale?”

“Start at the beginning, if you can. I know you've already said it several times but it might help to explain to Julia about why she's never heard of you.” Randy prompted him, firm, but gentle, his speech clear as if he was trying to make sure that Ben could understand him through his thick Irish accent.

Ben's easy going nature seemed to fade slightly. The lines on his face returned, the tired strained look back, and it just made the old injuries and the paleness return to his skin when it should have been a rich dark brown. He fingered the coffee as he watched it. “I think I have played it in my head so many times that I do not feel much now. We had agreement with the Panama Pack. Werewolves stay north. We stay south. This way, we do not hunt in your land and you do not hunt us as prey. The Panama Pack was the peace keepers between all species.”

“All species?” It sounded like there was more than one.

Ben nodded, looking grim now. “All of the shifters in the Americas are protected by the Panama Pack. Or were. All shifters sent fighters to assist the Panama Pack over the past two years to help protect them. It failed. The man you call Kale discovered the fighters from other Shifters. Came for us. He came for us first. Came for the Otter of Peru, Brazil and Colombia. My sister was-” He hesitated, and now the lines really appeared, his teeth gritting. “-With him for some time. He used her to get us to agree to fight for him. My sister is on his boat. Sees details about your Pack. About this island. Photos of you.” His eyes fixed on Julia and she shivered.

“In a purple nightie. A recent photo. With your nipple hanging out.” Beth added, quiet, and Ben actually avoided Julia's eyes at the word.

“Yes, she said that.”

The photo Oliver had taken last week. Julia shivered, shutting her eyes a moment, feeling kind of creeped out and freaked out all at once. She felt Beth's body slide in beside her, an arm wrap around her, the contact only a tiny bit comforting.

“He had many recent photos of you, from the looks of it.” Randy said softly. “Of you pregnant. Your kids. But his sister isn't sure of much.”

“Not after what she had to-” Ben breathed in, slowly, hands clenching. She noticed he was still holding onto his otter skin. “I think she will feel safer on an island. Away from so many strange humans. She does not speak much English yet but she is good with animals. Your Alpha said that you must agree, but she is good, and if you get goats or cows, she would love it. I can help. I know how to repair things. I know how to garden. To fish. We can shoot guns.”

“We were thinking of getting a few milkers.” Julia heard herself saying. What had Kale done to Ben's little sister? She met Randy's eyes, but saw no surprise, even though they'd never discussed this. Why not? Julia's kids were getting older, milk was useful, and milk went a long way. She felt kind of sick, as she tried to not think about what... what Kale would make an eleven year old do to 'submit.' Julia's own little girls flashing across her eyes. “And we have chickens. A goat for milk would be good.”

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