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010. | ❛ it's better your way.

EMILIA SAVORED THE TASTE OF NEGATIVE O BLOOD THAT WAS POURING DOWN HER THROAT; ALL THE WHILE HOLDING A FACE OF DISGUST BECAUSE NEGATIVE O HELD A BITTERNESS TO IT. SHE LOVED THE TASTE OF IT BEFORE, BUT AFTER RIPPING THROUGH A SMALL VILLAGE THAT HAD THE SAME BLOOD, IT MAD EHER DESPISE IT. She retracted her fangs from the last woman's throat, letting her lifeless body fall to the ground. Emilia lounged on the couch in a seductive way as Stefan finished ripping apart the body part, and putting them back together.

Once he finished, Stefan looked in Emilia's direction, almost in complete lust. Her glance at him was almost like her vindictive infamous one that many would cower away from. The plump lips that many seemed to adore, including Stefan, were dyed red with the blood of the fallen. The curves on her body adorned her well as she rolled seductively around, holding her venomous lips in a smirking state at the audience she had. She ran her fingers down the many crests of her body and looked at him again, "Aren't you going to paint me like one of your French girls?"

"Sadly, I'm not quite the painter." Stefan said, going over to Emilia and lifting her off the couch, "Although, I do have other qualities that you might be impressed with."

She felt his fangs nip at her collarbone, unleashing a subtle moan that would drive him to want more. However, she pulled a fast one and vamp speed them over to the couch once again, while she straddled him pushing her blonde locks aside and hovering over him.

"Well, that's a good thing because you don't know any of mine." Emilia smiled vindictively to him to which he grew proud.

"It seems like your humanity was holding you back from being who you truly are. A true woman with venomous lips that any man would die to touch." Stefan said smashing his lips onto Emilia's, holding her waist still as he toyed with the idea of grand lust for a moment. The feeling of actual human emotions that he had longed suppressed when he turned off his humanity switch.

"Lucky for you," Emilia said peppering him with vampire kisses, "These lips are all yours."

She retracted herself from him, leaving him craving more of the toxic he created. She wiped the small amount of blood that he had left over, and cleaning it up with her tongue, "And you were right. It's so much better your way."

Emilia rose up from the couch and over to the wardrobe the dead family had, in hopes that they had a dress for her to wear out tonight since hers was stained with their blood. "Killing them was a favor we were doing society, because from the looks of it, they had terrible taste in fashion."

She kept throwing the unwanted clothing all around the room, hearing Stefan share his comments, "Emilia, you know that even you can make their horrible fashion look good."

"Is that a compliment I hear? I never knew that Rippers could give those." Emilia sarcastically replied to him, as she continue to dig through their cabinets.

"Well, I know I'm in good company." Stefan said as he speed to where Emilia was standing, and cleverly unzipped the back of her dress.

Emilia hummed as he did that, and against all odds, she found a perfect golden sparkling dress that looked to be tight. If anything that was a good thing because there was one thing that most men couldn't resist was a tight dress. Those men also made the tastiest dinner.

Emilia undressed in front of Stefan, who looked like he was mentally undressing her in twenty different ways. It wasn't like he was doing it himself, she constantly taunted him and he held a great poker face as he sipped his drink and enjoyed the show. Once she finished, she shone a quick Cheshire smile to Stefan who approved of his partner in crime. Emilia fluffed her hair back, and grabbed Stefan's hand to pull him out the door but refused.

"Come on, there's music and dancing. And not to mention the people who go alone, and don't even know what's in store for them when we get there." Emilia said building a picture in his head, "I know that Rippers don't ever feel full, because we take and take until we are satisfied. And once we take the most lives in a night, we come back here and I spruce you up to even magical night. I know that you can't deny this offer." Emilia said leaning into him, giving him a clear sight of the precious goods that she had purposefully left exposed for him.

"The night awaits us," Stefan said leading the way to the final bar that they had yet to sack. He placed his hand on Emilia's back and whispered into her ear, "and so does the bed."

The couple didn't take long to reach the bar, and both knew of the normal routine that they would do. Compel the guard to give them the best seat in the house, and then they'd place bets on the best piece of flesh in the house. A routine that at times would get boring, but still filled their desire of their bloodlust.

The Ripper King and Queen sat on the top floor with the red leather seat that overlooked the whole estate, and all the people dancing below it. Tonight's prey were more delicious that others, and that made them glad. At least tonight would be sort of a challenge to encompass the most kills.

Although Emilia always had one rule before they started, which was that she need a good scotch on the rocks to plead her stomach before intaking a huge load of red liquid. She headed to the bar, and told the bartender to hurry her order up because she knew that Stefan didn't like to wait for the massacre to start.

Once she got the drink, she did her best to drink it rather quickly. Before she could leave, a voice erupted that stopped her before she left the stool. "You really have changed. The first time I met you, you were a champagne type of girl. Now, look at you."

The blonde turned to the direction of the voice, in complete shock to the person who she hadn't seen for almost 300 years.


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