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004. | ❛ hungry?

THE FANG MARKS THAT WERE LEFT BY THE HANDSOME debonaire individual seemed to cover her whole body; her figure was the canvas that he painted himself in marking the territory as his own. She also had a strong grip on him, clawing herself into his strong muscular figure, leaving crescent shaped scratches on his back which would soon heal. Any moment with him was pure bliss, for her sexual pleasure was filled to her extent, and being engulfed in the company of someone who was as devious and manipulative as herself.

Sucking on another vein at her collarbone, the bloodsucking creature loomed over her as she exhaled in pleasure into his ear. The sense of pain was one that was custom to her, but this pain felt like a stranger. One that was unexpected and at the same time one that she wanted to feel every time. She felt the fangs retracted from her, and she pouted from the denial of pleasure. He looked down at her before chomping down on his own wrist and offering it to the blonde goddess; the bitter taste that always lingered and burned her throat was one that she seemed to never get over. While she kept chugging the wine liquid, the man crawled over to apply kisses to the spots so where he bit, watching as they slowly disappeared.

"Hungry, where we?" Kol arched his eyebrow up, laying next to woman who had provided good times and wrapped him under her finger almost like he had to her.
He licks the stains of blood that still resonated around his lips, enjoying ever last bit of her sweet, candy like blood. A new taste that he hadn't ever tasted from an human being, it was different and unique to the exotic beauty before him.

Emilia turned to her side, almost in an instant displaying that winning smile as her finger trailed up his exposed chest before planting themselves over his pecs. "It seems that you have quite the appetite as well, monsieur."

Her voice lulled on in a trance, like her voice was a whisper so that people could leave in to hear her more. She chuckled to herself before she grabbed the covers from the bed, bringing it to her front side and hurrying off to the mirror and leaving the Mikaelson admiring her figure from the bed.
She turned around looking at her back and how everything was healed, the incisions from his fangs were no longer there and her skin looked more radiate than ever.

"I have grown to love your barbaric manners." Emilia grinned as she made her way back to the bed, sitting up and cradling over Kol.

"Why is that my darling?" He smiled and slurred on the darling part as he planted his hands at her hips.

She leaned down towards him letting the sheet fall, exposing her body to him again. Taking a silent pause for him to glorify her body, "Because I like my sexual activities like I like my drinks; rough."

Kol quickly flips positions which the flip of a motion that took not even a millisecond, the swift gush of wind signified the use of his powers and what Emilia had grown to long for. Once again, he engulfed himself in leaving a trail mark of kisses around her neck to mark his claim on her, but she smiled as she stopped his heinous act. Leaving him wanting more, she could see the flame rising inside the man in front of her.
The monster inside was the beast she wanted to tap into, slowly enough she would find out for herself.

Emilia found herself against the all with a strong grip around her neck, holding her above the floor. The bloodlust veins appeared under his eyes as he shed his fangs at her. She found herself chuckling at him, resulting in more of a strain on her throat.

"It's not a good thing to tempt me, darling." He growled at her almost at the point where he was about to compel her to behave.

"You won't kill me because you need me. I don't see you screwing any other whore in this damn town so I sense that I satisfy that undeniable pleasure you have. Also considering that my body is the only source that you keep coming back to for nightly feedings. You need me," Emilia said as Kol started to slowly let her down. "Like I need you."

"It is true what they say about you, Emilia. That you truly have a way with words, kind of like your men." He insulted her as her whole demeanor changed in a snap, and turning on him.

"Don't tempt me, Kol Mikaelson. You wouldn't like the idea of me furious. You know the saying 'hell hath no fury than a woman's scorn'." She cocked at him.

"Woman are like me, complicated in many different ways. So before you go and mess the good thing we have going between us," Kol said taking ahold of her hands and looking her straight into her eyes as his pupils dilated. "You're going to forget this small fight and good back to being the dominant woman in this town."

Emilia batted her eyes a couple of times, almost forgetting what she had happened in the last couple of minutes. She looked to Kol, and instantly became enamored in him once again taking them to the bed again.

She couldn't control herself around him, more than ever before with other men. An aura radiated around him calling her to him, almost like a connection; a tether. The thing that circled her mind was what would happen if her life changed by asking the simple question to the man that she was giving herself to. To become like him, live alongside him and never grow old. An idea that she would have never believed in a million year, but not that it was presented to her in a form of a god, it seems like a trophy of some sorts.

She leaned over and whispered in his ear, "Make me like you."

Millions of thoughts went through her mind as it examined the situation and at Kol, who was stationary and statue like. She could see denial in his eyes and as she was about to open her mouth, her whole body went limp.

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