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006. | ❛ I'm different, I always have been.

IN THE FOLLOWING WEEKS THAT THE WILLIAMS SISTERS LEFT THEIR TOWN, they settled out over the Atlantic Oceans; to Europe. With the Mikaelsons alongside them, who disappeared almost instantly as they set foot in foreign land. Leaving alone, Emilia and Maya, to be lost in a unknown territory where they knew nobody and didn't have a place to go. But the voyage to Britain, Kol taught her the usefulness abilities that a bring a vampire came with. Slipping her a decent amount of money to help her out; little did she know that he was leaving.

Emilia found a quaint little town to settle in. One where Maya would still get an education, something that she never got, and where they could start over. Somewhere where they could hide their new abilities, and get away with being bloodsucking animals. All they could do was put up with their animal cravings, and continue with their life.

The only way they got to live in the complex that they did was because of the conclusion that Emilia conducted on the landlord. Accidental, one might say because she was really trying to seduce him and she didn't really know how compulsion worked. She only had the simple information from Kol, yet it was still enough. After their initial meeting, Emilia took it upon herself to compel the landlord to be their guinea pig, or more of their blood source. It was a plus that it was their favorite;
Negative O.

Out of the two sisters, Maya seemed to have a better control of her vampirism than Emilia did. While Maya released happiness to others around her, Emilia was surrounded by darkness and anger. One had a low bloodlust requiring just a simple sip of blood while the other required the whole pint of a person. The sisters were like life and death, one exceptionally beautiful and the other being gruesome. Originally, Emilia thought that she was doing the best for Maya; getting out of the disaster that was called a family. While she still thought that, she more believed that perhaps Maya would've been better off without her all together.

Sometimes during the night, she would lay awake, thinking of the different outcomes that would've happen if she wasn't born or if she wasn't the maleficent person she was. Perhaps life would've been better for everyone she's hurt, manipulated, or had her way with. Thoughts like those were blocked out of her mind because thoughts like those were the past she didn't want to open up.

She rose from her bed, seeing the moonlight shine from her window on her almost radiant skin. Aimlessly, she wandered into the living room with a shawl wrapped around her as she shuffled through the complex. Pushing the door open of her sister's room, she saw a bed still made. The eyes that were fallen quickly awoke in a panic of a unknown whereabout of her sister. Her breath hitched into pants, and found herself leaning against the wall in the midst of a panic attack. Grabbing her dead heart, she clutched it the tightest it could be.

Emilia tried to gain composure when she heard a shriek radiate through her ears. Standing up, she waited until she could hear something with her heightened sense of hearing. It was a panic scream that blew through her eardrum; Emilia sped as quickly as she could in fear that it was her sister. Outside her door, she went to her right and into the alleyway. Although the darkness hindered seeing any movement, the clear sense of danger was present when she heard the high pitched ringing again in her ear. Sprinting as fast as light, the situation started to unfold before her eyes.

Maya was being held against her will up against the brick wall, with a strong man grasping her throat almost suffocating the pure humble soul. It didn't take a genius to know what he was doing, so Emilia sped quickly before he was face to face with the man.

He looked at Emilia in surprised before he attempted to do the same thing to her, only she wasn't the one to get hurt. She grabbed his arm and twisted it to where she could hear bones crack, that's when she drives him up against the wall and snuck her fangs into his throat. Snarling as the blood made it's way down her throat, consuming all of the blood she had been craving, and his scream only made the enjoyment of pleasure worse. Stopping for a minute to see the man's face, filled with regret, Emilia smiled once before snapping the man's neck ending his worthless and pathetic life.

Wiping the sides of her mouth, she quickly attended to her sister who was emotionally distraught in the alleyway. Rocking in a fetal position, Emilia went to her sister's side and unwrapped her arms to be fixated another her neck.

"He tried to—" Maya tried to find the words before Emilia soothed her sister by rubbing her back, and looking to the dead man.

"Don't talk. I know exactly what he wanted to do."

Emilia lifted her sister as they both walked back to their house. She laid her sister into her bed, as she spooned her to bed. Just as she was sure that Maya was sound asleep, her arm caught Emilia's as she got out of bed. Her sister's eyes held innocence as they looked up to her, "The man, he's dead. But I don't get cravings like those. Lia, what's wrong with me?"

That question hurt her because their was nothing wrong with her sister. She was the only normal one and sane thing that kept Emilia tethered to her humanity. Emilia knelt down on the floor and rested her arms against the bed, "There's nothing wrong with you. In fact, you're the normal one. I'm the one who has something wrong with me, Maya. Anytime and anywhere, I crave it. Nothing fills it at all, so there's nothing wrong with you. I'm just different, I always have and I guess always will."

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