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005. | ❛ it's delicious sweetheart.

her throat was craving for was the most compelling factor of her transformation. Awakening to see Kol looming over her on the bed was a comforting sight, but she hungrily needed the the liquid she gulped down her throat. Her vacant expression held a strong look on him; not because of him but by the tall slim figure of a woman sitting on the edge of her bed enchanted her.

Emilia didn't question what she was doing on the edge of her bed or who she was; she knew very well that this dolled up woman was for her, not for her sexual pleasure but for her vampirism need. The need to complete her transition, to turn into an equal to Kol.

The unknown woman leaned down to Emilia's bed position before she sat up, and the woman went back to her original seated position. Kol watched as Emilia, took into account this young woman, how she admired and almost pin pointed certain things about this human that wouldn't matter in a few minutes. Emilia pushed the woman's hair back, getting a clear view of her neck. The veins that pulsated the blood throughout her body enchanted the blonde, leaning in to quench her thirst for blood. As her mouth almost made contact with her throat, Emilia could feel a pain radiate in her jaws and gums. Crying out in pain, she covered her mouth in an attempt to calm her extricating pain. She dug her fingers into her mouth to feel her teeth, no longer in a straight line but with two pointed fangs pushing out.

Kol saw the blonde freaking out and in attempt to calm her, he took the step she wasn't willing to. His veins seeped out from underneath his eyes, and the fangs connected to her throat; his fangs sucking all the potential blood he could from her. Once he stopped, Kol sighed in accomplishment and held the lady out for Emilia to taste. "It's delicious, sweetheart. Just one taste and you're set."

Emilia leaned forward to hover over a untouched area of her throat. Everything was standing before her, and when she wanted this so badly, it seemed almost like she was regretting this decision. But there was no turning back at this point, not when she was too deep into this. Emilia couldn't deny any longer the hunger she felt just inches away from the blood source, and almost in an instant she leaned her head back and dug into her throat. Her blood was exquisite as it ran its course throughout Emilia's new vampirism body. She craved it more than Kol's and couldn't stop herself from sucking the living being out of liquid. Her eyes were filled with red and she couldn't ease up of her grip on the woman. But once she did, Emilia sighed similarly to Kol, and wiped the excessive blood of her face and smiled.

"How was it?" He said cupping her newly rejuvenating skin that glowed heavily.

"Exquisite." She whispered, pulling him closer and applying more stained lips to his skin. But, he pulled himself off of his gracious queen and was quick to pick up his loose articles of clothing.

"Are you going somewhere, my love?" She called out after him.

"My stay in this small town was only temporary. My family is moving us to the Eastern countries." Kol told her as she stood in one place while he scampered around the room finding his clothes.

Emilia jumped in front of him, "Take me with you. I want to go with you to the East, take me away from this sickle town that many people call a life." She pleaded with him, halting him from continuing to dress himself. "This life isn't for me. It never was, and I need you to teach me to be this creature. Take me with you and teach me and I'll be by your side." She trailed her fingers along his chest, almost hypnotizing him into her greedy favor.

He sped quickly with Emilia, to where she her back was pushed against the wall where he held her by her throat. "We leave at the crack of dawn. Get your things ready, darling. You're about to embark on a new adventure." 

With another zoom, he was gone and left Emilia in her room alone. Immediately, she started getting her things stuffed into crates of luggage. In the midst of packing, she forgot the most important thing; Maya. She made her way into her bedroom and started packing for her sister.

Emilia shook her sister awake, Maya looked at her sister in worriment as to why she was being woken up in the middle of the night. "Emilia, why are you waking me at this hour?"

"We're leaving. Tonight with Kol and his family. He made me into this creature and I want to go with him. And I can't leave you here with Dad." Emilia said as Maya still didn't understand what her sister was saying.

Emilia bit into her wrist and held it out for Maya, and her little sister didn't get what she was implying. Emilia dug once again into her wrist and held out her wrist again, and this time almost pressing the blood to Maya's lips. One taste on her lips, Maya started to drink and once she was done. Emilia did the same thing that Kol did to her, snap her neck.

Once she awoke, Maya went through the same feeling as Emilia. They scurried to her room where the dead woman still contained a small bit of blood enough to suffice her sister. With their new strength, the sisters dragged their luggage outside and had one last glimpse at their house.

But Emilia didn't want to return ever, and she took it upon herself to make sure that they couldn't return. She went inside out last time and lit a match, one single one and dumping a bunch of her father's alcohol on the floor. She let the match fall as she quickly walked out.

Maya looked in disbelief at her house going up in flames, and looked to her older sister. "Emilia, our parents! They're going to burn alive!"

Maya lunged to stop the fire from spreading but Emilia held her sister back, "Mother and father had a big fight last night. She went to Aunt Angelica house, and he stayed at home. That bastard cheated on our mother and never loved us as daughters. He deserves to burn in hell."

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