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Harry was the first to meet when they walked down, Zayn's heart skipping a beat when Harry completely ignored his existence and offered his hands to Chris.

And when his baby happily squealed and threw himself on Harry, Zayn felt a jab in his chest.

"Although Liam said he dont want to see you, I think you should meet him"

"Is he-"

"He is fine.... he is up actually- couldn't stop crying" Harry brags

"Look Harry I-"

"Fuck you, Malik" Harry darts Zayn a look before pulling Louis with him.

Harry's behaviour was obvious as fuck to him.

I lost my baby!

The very thought making Zayn weak by his feet. Tears falling down his eyes, uncontrollably. He bit his bottom lip hard enough to bleed and took his steps towards Liam's ward.

He was a little grateful that non of his family members were around Liam's ward except for one person, shedding tears in the corner.

Zayn's heart clenched on seeing his father wipe the corner of his eyes... Nope! He can't face his father now!

He took a deep breathe, his cheeks painfully stretching on the burning sensation of his hot tears, he forced himself and walked into Liam's ward.

Seeing Liam made him feel more wicked. Like some repeatedly stabbed his chest. Liam was lying on his hospital bed, an empty cradle beside him, his eyes stuck on the ceiling as tears rolled down.

What made Zayn nostalgic was Liam's flat stomach and the way Liam was rubbing his stomach in circles.

"Why are you here?" Liam bites his bottom lip at continues to stare the ceiling. "I dont want to see you"

Zayn nods turns but to close the door behind him and walks towards Liam.

"I did what you wanted" Liam informs and covers his eyes with his arm "please leave"

Zayn sits beside him and takes in the I.V attached to Liam's hand.

"I am not going to ask for you forgive me" Zayn slurs and holds a breathe to speak up again "Its all my fault..... I-I am....." a loud sobs leaves Zayn's lips and he rests his head carefully on Liam's stomach "I am so sorry Liam.... I caused you our baby"

"Leave Zayn"

Zayn shakes his head in a no and holds Liam a little tighter "Dont tell me to leave- I'll die without you Leeyum" he cries and damn he had no idea how they are tears still left to flow down his eyes.

Liam brushes his fingers in Zayn's scalp, running soft fingers in his messy hair. "I hate you so much, Zayn" he grits between his teeth and hold a fist of Zayn's hair "Why did you do it?" He pulls Zayn more into him "Why you did that to our baby?"

Zayn moved back and makes an eye contact with Liam's swollen and tired eyes. "I promise this void our baby left behind- I'll fill it..... Jesus Li! I-I-I-" he looks at Liam and bites his lip "I killed my baby"

Liam's eyes hollowed at the sudden outburst "killed?"

"I-I am so sorry Li! I am a coward- I was so scared and stupid and naive. I shouted at you- I screamed at you- I said I wanted you to abort my son! Fuck!! I am so bad Li"

"Zayn, liste-" Liam tries to hold him but he shakes his head quickly.

"I am a bad- no, I am the worst husband and the worst father- I am reason why my baby died-"

Colors Of Love♡ -Ziam (B-3)Where stories live. Discover now