Chris' Fav!

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Normal P.O.V:-

"That was awesome" Charlie, aka Liam's producer announces after listening to his recording session.

"Thanks" Liam blushes a little and picks his things, inorder to leave.

"Hey man? What's the rush? Capital is throwing a big party tonight.. why not join us?"

Liam laughed softly and shaked his head "I can't mate! Mainly because my baby is waiting for me and Harry cant hold him for long"

Charlie agreed with a thums up in air "That little nightmare... cried so bad when I took him from him"

"Sensitive to strangers" Liam explains "always have been like that"

"Cant Harry stop him for more two hours? I mean you can attend the party for atleast a while- a break from parenthood?"

Liam sighs and gives his friend a weak smile "I would've loved to stay but Zayn left for Shanghai this morning and Chris was being very very difficult- I even thought of postponing our studio time but then Harry played Zayn's new song 'Still Got Time' and kinda distracted Chris and all. I just want to see my baby now!"  he almost says defeatedly. (*GOTTA PROMOTE MY SON GUYS*)

"Family first" Charlie throws his hands in air "Tell Zayn to hit me up soon. Gotta discuss some music ideas with him- like some beats and sounds.... yea? And tell Harry that I am signing him once I am done with you- he better not sign shit with someone else like the last time"

Liam laughed and nodded in agreement. Taking his bag and exiting quick before his friend come up with another discussion and stops him.

He arrived an hour early than he informed Harry and was relieved on hearing loud giggles of Chris' the moment he enters his house.

The same big house, the chatter around just as loud as ever yet somehow his baby's giggle outstanding every voice. He was glad he made it before dinner was over.

"Someone is not missing me at all" Liam grunts and rests his bag on the big couch before making his way to the dining table where his big family was having dinner.

"Ofcourse we are not!! Chris and his super baba is having fun, isn't it?" Zayn's dad tickles Chris who was sitting his lap and Chris squeaks another loud laugh in stream of little soft hiccups.

"No fair" Liam pouts and sits on his chair, his heart arching on finding the chair beside him empty. He sighs and fills himself a glass of water.

"How was work?" Mark asks, just casually taking updates.

"Good! Atleast that's what Charlie said" Liam chuckles and leans over to brush his finger against his baby's cheek.

"And Zayn? You talked to him?" Safaa inquires, who was sitting next to the empty seat beside him.

"I did!! He said he'll be here by tomorrow night and also that Louis is a bad company" Liam added and laughed along with everyone.

"I'm sure Zayn is being a diva because Louis is an awesome company" Harry gushes making Liam roll his eyes.

"Yea yea! Louis is not at all annoying" Liam sassed making Trisha bite a laugh.

"Okay! he is annoying but he is a nice company" Harry declares to which almost everyone laughs.

Liam laughs too but the minute he sees the empty seat beside him, his smile drop yet one giggle of Chris turns his sad look into one happiest grin.

"How long for your album?" Fizzy asks Liam and sips her juice.

"A long way to go, babe! I mean I just signed the record and probably will take like 6 months of hard work"

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