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I sat at the bar of the MiraJane Cafe as I looked to my side with boredom in my eyes. My legs swung back and forth from a tall chair as it lightly kicked against the ledge of the table. Mira came and stood from the other side of the bar with a glass in one hand. She started to wipe it with a pink cloth as she looked at me with a questioning look.

"What is it?" I asked as I looked back at her with an arched eyebrow. She chuckled and put her glass down.

"Nothing, it's just that you look so bored."

MiraJane Strauss was the one friend who took me in after the war. When Lucy saved the entire sea, Gajeel had brought me to this Cafe. I had yelled at Natsu for not bringing her back but once I was sitting with a warm cup of tea in my hands, the regrets had spilled right over me. After that, MiraJane had given me a place to stay in the inn, but only if I were to work for her cafe. So I did.

I shifted a bit in my chair and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear,

"Yeah, I'm just... Waiting for Gajeel. He said he'd be here this evening but he's not here yet! It's nearly dark...." Mira smirked and gave me that knowing look. I scoffed, "what? What's that look for?"

"You like him, don't you?" She stated. My face heated a thousand times over making me have to cover it with a hand,

"Wh-wh-what are you talking about? Th-there's no way, ahah...."

"Puh-lease, it's so obvious! You guys go out nearly everyday, and your willing to help him in anyway possible! You nearly always talk about him, and you flush whenever I mention you two together! Like right now!" She gestured as she looked up and down my position. I was putting my knees together and my hands were to my face. Trying to prove her wrong, I quickly put my arms on the table with my head leaning against my hand,

"What are you talking about? There's no such thing..."

"You're still blushing, you know."

I sighed and buried my head in the table as I stretched my arms across  too,

"So what if I like him? It's been a year and... And I..."

I had said it. 'A year', that is. Whenever that slips out of my mouth or someone else happens to say it, My chest tightens and bile gets stuck in my throat. Lu-chan...

"Lu-chan..." I croaked. Lu-chan, after freezing herself in that tube, the magic within her seized out and stopped the earthquake from below. Any cracks were restored and no one was killed. She had saved everyone under sea. Her being frozen had also made sure no attacks were to ever come again. She even had managed to put peace between the two races. It was like she was this barrier that protected anyone from the area from harm. She was our charm.

But she was my sister.

A tear fell from my eye and I sat up to wipe it away. Mira frowned at the sight and reached for my hand,

"Hey, it's ok. You're doing great now, aren't you? You help Gajeel with his work, you write books for everyone to read, for goodness sake you work at my Cafe! Lucy would be proud of you," she rubbed the back of my palm as she gave me her warmest smile. I chuckled back and squeezed her own hand,

"Thanks, Mira."

"I only want you to be happy."

If only I wasn't a mermaid ~a NaLu fanfic~Where stories live. Discover now