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"....and DONE!" I shouted. All the men sighed, most of them falling to the floor. "Good job on your practice guys. See you tomorrow."

The men stared to chatter to one another, chuckling as they patted each others backs. I looked over to Mist beside me. He looked a little bored... Well, he always did I guess.

"Yo mist, you having fun?" I teased as I nudged him in the shoulder. He rolled his eyes before giving a slight smirk,

"Whatever. I see that you've managed to get everyone's fighting skills a level higher?"

It was true, I did. After all I was now head of the royal Guard, besides the fact that I was Prince. It's a little weird, eh? I should've been getting a higher position, but in actuality I'm just getting the army ready. Mettanilica said that its best if I work of strategy with the arm force before I start going into strategy with the whole kingdom. Sometimes I wonder if that old man's smart or just really stupid.

"Yeah, heh, guess I'm just really good at this job, eh? I wonder what'll happen when I'm out of this route," I replied, wiggling my eyes at Mist. He raised an eyebrow back at me. "Well, you know. Of course I can't just stay here forever, gonna be king and all. Sure this is fun, and I'd love to stay, but how can that be possible? I need to quickly find a guy that can take my position, and so..." I nudged him a little. He sighed,

"Hah, your just trying to get me pressurized aren't you?" Mist crossed his arms, doubt dripping in his voice. He furrowed his eyebrows, trying to get what I was implying. I sent a glance at his eyes, my face leaving it's usual energy When he did get what I meant, he widened his eyes, "you're... Making me head of the Royal Guard...?"

I squeezed Mist's shoulder and let out a deep breath. When I looked back at him, my eyes were dead serious, "Look here, Mist. Some things have to happen when they happen. So right here, your position, your duty, the one thing you'll be going for... You're next route... That's what you practice most for. I don't just train you guys for nothing, I train you to reach a level higher. So of course, the position for the next Royal Guard will be..."

I paused for effect. Mist's eyes were so wide, they looked like they were gonna pop out. I sighed once more and inched closer to his face. I held both his shoulders and stared at him intently. Mist was literally in balls of sweat. The glint in his eyes showed that he was so, so excited. Looks like he really wanted this. I sighed again, tapping my foot against the wooden floor and looked down. When I looked back up, I gave him the answer,

"... Loke of course! Ha, got you there, didn't I?"

Mist's face fell and he looked utterly dumbfounded. The urge to laugh so hard beat my senses to not, and I fell back with fits of roaring laughter. Everyone in the room was staring at me as if I've got mad. I had to stop myself from falling, and I clutched unto my stomach because laughing hurts that much. Mist punched my left shoulder, then kicked my right leg, before walking of with huge annoyance over his back. His fingers went through his hair that was now long enough for him to do that. He stuck a hand in his pocket and continued to walk. I bit my bottom lip so that I would stop laughing and then I ran to catch up with Mist.

"Mist, wait, wait... Gihi hi...." I was out of breath and I caught his shoulder again. He turned around, his puffed out cheeks were so red. I laughed harder this time and I covered my face with my hand, "Gihi, you hihihi... Got to stop doing that, hihihi hi..."

"Oh god, what now? Just get it over with," he said, a somewhat poise in his voice. I chuckled again and had to hold onto both shoulders.

"S-sorry, it's just that, hihihi... I was joking about the position thing."


"It's you. You're the next Royal Guard."

Mist stared at me for a moment before giving me a glare,
"Ha. Well what if I don't want to anymore?"

"Eh, come on Mist, I was joking!"
He'd want to take this position, right?

"No. I'm not taking it. I'm sorry." He looked at the ground and sighed.

It was my turn for my face to fall. I let go of his shoulder and stuck them in the pockets of my sweatpants. Was he really that sensitive about it?

"....just joking," he mumbled. He smirked and looked back up at me. I sighed with relief and chuckled as I patted his back,

"I knew there was something wrong with you declining this position. 'Cause you'd love it."

Mist gave me a small smile a glint of happiness in his eyes,

We put an arm around each other and chuckled as we began to talk about some other things that happened that day.

"Hey Gajeel, aren't you gonna see that girl of yours?" Mist asked. I raised an eyebrow,

"You mean shrimp? She's not my girl, Y'know," I could feel my cheeks heating. For as long as I can remember after the war, Shrimp's been with me through out the whole way. She's helped me with my work and was basically my mother, going around and fetching stuff whenever I needed it. Maybe it was cause I helped her find a home to stay in or somethin' buts she's never left my side. I did felt sorry for her though, every time she walked there was this huge weight of sorrow on her back. I wanted to help her and all, but...

"So you going?" Mist asked again. I snapped back to reality and tucked my hands in my pockets again,

"Yeah. She's probably waiting for me impatiently now."

If only I wasn't a mermaid ~a NaLu fanfic~Where stories live. Discover now