Chapter 17: "Not this time."

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"Luce..." Natsu said grumpily. He pointed his finger to Wendy, "so... You told her about it....?"

We were hanging around the garden, walking around the flowers. It was a breezy weather on a Friday afternoon. Every time the wind hit my face, I breath in the air and smelled the wonderful atmosphere.

Me and Wendy nodded, smiling proudly at our relationship. Im so glad I told her.

Looks like Natsu isn't.

Natsu looks so Grumpy and upset. I wonder if it was wrong to tell him that...?

But if I didn't, things would be so complicated for all of us.

"Say, I'm actually surprised that you knew, Natsu," Wendy stated as she looked up to Natsu while putting her hands behind her back. "I had no idea that you met Lucy before she turned human."

"Well, I should be the one surprised! I thought we were gonna keep this a secret!" Natsu said, and shot his head back at me.

"Wendy is trustworthy. She is a great friend. She deserves to be told this! Otherwise I'd leave you guys without her knowing I was a mermaid. And that wouldn't be cool if I were to be her great friend, right?" I stated as I smiled at Wendy. She smiled at me back.

Natsu pouted and Wendy and I giggled.

When Wendy and I stopped giggling, as well as Natsu pouting, She began to talk again,

"Anyways, I was wondering, how did you two get along? I thought you didn't like mermaids, Natsu...?" Wendy asked, looking back and forth between the two of us with a worried face. It seemed that she thought the question was rude. I smiled and nodded my head for her to continue.

Natsu sucked in the air and exhaled,

"Actually......" He said as he looked up to the sky, "In the beginning, we weren't really... friendly to each other. No, I wasn't friendly to Luce. I kinda made her cry, ahahaha...." Natsu laughed nervously. Wendy glared at him. He gulped and looked away from Wendy's gaze.

"Well, it wasn't all that bad..." I said, breaking their intense moment. "When I did become human, we ended up meeting each other again on the streets and he took me to this beautiful palace." I put up my hands to show how much I loved this place.
It's always so lively, yet calming at the same time. It's one of those places that always gives you a happy atmosphere.

"Hmm.. Still, Natsu should have been nicer at the shore," Wendy said as she nudged Natsu. After Natsu pouted a bit, he brighten up,
"Talking about shores, wanna go to the beach again?" He smiled excitedly. Me and Wendy brighten up too,

"Sure!" We both exclaimed.

Natsu's P.O.V

When we reached the beach, we all took off our shoes and ran towards the shore.
Wendy splashed both of us, giggling. Lucy and I laughed and ran after her. When we both caught her, we all fell in to the water, creating a big splash.
We didn't care if our clothes got wet, we just wanted to have fun for a while.

Lucy was gonna leave after two days, and we weren't gonna sit around and do nothing.

We sat on the sand, half of our bodies underwater, and started chuckling and laughing our heads off.

I soon got up and noticed Gray far away in the shore, kneeling down and looking at the water.

Why would he just stare at the water? What a weird guy.

"OIIII! ICE BOY!!!!" I called out to him. I saw him jumped back up on his feet and scratch the back of his head.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING? ADMIRING THE WATER???!!!" I called again.  Lucy and Wendy looked at me with questioning looks.  I turned to look at the two girls, "hey! Let's go to Gray!" I exclaimed, and we all took of running.

Lucy's P.O.V

"Hey! Let's go to gray!" Natsu exclaimed and we all began running towards Gray.

What a coincidence, we even met each other Last time.

When we were approaching near him, Natsu and Wendy began running even faster. Because I couldn't keep up with them, I just jogged my way there.

While I was jogging, I looked at  the ocean and smiled at the sight. The water was so clear, it was sparkling.

Then, suddenly, I saw a tail pop up from the ocean, then went back down again.

It was blue.

It had the same scales as last times.

Juvia...! I wasn't gonna let her go this time.

I ran towards the direction she was swimming too. Luckily, since the water was clear enough, I could tell a bit where she was. Her shadow-like figure went deeper into ocean, and I held my breath and dived in.

I followed her tail and swam as fast as I could. My eyes were burning, and I was losing breath.

I dont  care if I lose breath as long as I catch her...!

I reached out my hand,


And caught the tip of her tail.

I tighten my grip on her and pulled her back. She flinched and looked back.

Both of our eyes widen.

It really is you, thank goodness your here...

Tears came out of my eyes, blending the water. I smiled at her. I brought her closer to me and hugged her.

Juvia, Juvia I missed you so much...

"Lu-Lucy...?" She said, shocked. She looked at my legs, "Lucy, Lucy! You really did become human..."
I nodded.
"Lucy, what happened? What's it like out  there?"
I wanted to answer her questions and ask a whole lot too, but I was about to loose breath completely.

"Mmmmph! Mmmmph...!" I muffled my screams as my throat got tighter. Juvia, knowing what to do, grabbed my hand and brought me up to shore. I gasped for air, though I felt my self growing more and more tired.

"Luce..?! Luce?!" Natsu shouted as he ran toward me. Juvia ducked back into the water before anyone else noticed her. 

Natsu carried me in his arms while  Wendy and Gray caught up to us.

"What happened?! Lucy-San, are you alright?!" Wendy shouted worriedly. Gray looked so confused and shocked.

I looked up to see Natsu's face and salmon hair. He looked most worried out of all of them. His eyes told everything as they looked intently into mine. Natsu was so scared, so worried, that his eyes were shaking a bit.

I laughed through my nose, he can be too caring sometimes.

I smiled before I closed my eyes and let my self fall asleep.


If only I wasn't a mermaid ~a NaLu fanfic~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora