Chapter 12: A date, A friend, A shock , A thought

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Natsu's P.O.V

It's Wednesday. It's my turn. Lucy Aqua, here I come!

I jumped out of bed, brushed my teeth, changed, and combed my hair. I ran downstairs to eat breakfast.

"Always waking up late,huh.You should just eat lunch!" My mum said as she walked in and saw me sitting at the dinning table. That means hours I should have spent with Luce had gone by... Dang it...

I quickly ate my 'brunch' and ran to the lounge room, knowing she will be there. I slammed the door open,
"Luce!" I called out.

She got startled and dropped her book she was happily reading.
"W-what?!!" She shouted back. I came over and sat next to her.

"What do you want to do today?"

"Read of course..." She mumbled, but I heard her.

"... What are you reading?" I asked as I picked up the book that was laying on the floor. "The little mermaid...?" She snatched it from me and held it tight to her chest.

"Did you get this from Wendy?" I asked. She pouted.

"S-so?" She stuttered. I laughed at her weird reaction.

"So you mermaids know how to read?" I changed the topic.

"Yes, we know how read, plus we know the same language as you. So thats helping in our communication with you people." She answered simply.

"Oh ok." I said then smirked at my realization, "You talk more nowadays, huh?"

She blushed and looked at the window,

"Can't I? We're getting to know each other after all.."

"I never said you couldn't," I replied. I could see a tint of pink on her cheeks.

"W-whatever...." She mumbled again.

I laughed As I stood up,

"It's funny to see how that one day you can be so kind and gentle, and another so confident and a little more harsh," I reached my hand out for her, the other in the pocket of my formal trousers.

She took my hand and got up,

"Is that so?... Sorry.." She apologized.

"No. I actually like it! You're finally opening up to me!" I said and flashed my famous grin.

She blushed and looked a bit taken back.

"What do you want to do today... Natsu?" She asked.

I Looked at the window behind her,

"I know this may seem dangerous in a situation like this, but how about we take a stroll in the beach?"

She looked even more taken back.

"The b-beach?" She repeated, both hands now clutched on to her chest.

"How about it?" I smiled.

I could see her eyes sparkling.

"Of course. I would love that," she commented.

---at the beach---

Lucy's P.O.V

Everything here looked so calm. The sand was soft as I touched it with my bear feet, the waves coming back and forth like it was saying 'hello'. It has been a while since I came here.

If only I wasn't a mermaid ~a NaLu fanfic~Where stories live. Discover now