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      Silence fills this godforsaken place. A dungeon, I guess, is how it could be described. A smirk plays on Voldemort's lips as he begins to speak. "What do we have here? Fresh ones. Seventh years, am I correct?"

     None of us answer except with silence-other than the whimpering coming from the other end; It sounds like Peter. "Now," Voldemort says in mock disapproval, "that's not very polite. Lucius, Bella, maybe some manners are in order?"

      Bellatrix points her wand with a cruel smile. "Crucio!" Peter's screams leave his body in an unearthly sound and reverberate off the walls so we can listen to them over and over again. My teeth snap into place to keep from screaming myself; there is no torture like listening to your friends in pain.

     He stops screaming and slumps against his restraints. "Crucio!" His body goes rigid, and he screams again. The sharp edges of my teeth dig into the delicate flesh of my tongue and fills my mouth with blood. 

     "Now, let's see what we have?" Voldemort ponders. He begins to walk in long, slow strides in the direction towards me. I look into his red eyes and refuse to break eye contact no matter how much my heart pounds.

      "James Potter," he ponders. "Pure-Blood, excellent family, Head Boy, and a bright young wizard." Voldemort smiles. My stomach twists. "Lucius?"

       "Crucio!" I don't know if I scream; I think I do. I can't hear anything over the roar in my ear, and if I am screaming, it is the least of my worries. Every inch of my body, every cell, every tissue is lit with a burning, angry fire. There is no relief here in this agony. Seconds feel like hours, but it stops eventually. I slump against my restraints.

     My heart races in my chest as a pounding takes place in my head like a bad hangover. The roaring is only slightly going away. Everything sounds muffled, as if things are being said underwater. 

     "Crucio!" I rocket back into place against my chair, locking my muscles in place, bracing myself for the pain, but it doesn't come. "Bellatrix, why don't you try?"

      "Crucio!" It wasn't aimed at me. Sirius goes rigid against his restraints. His back arches into a U-shape, and I fear he will break a bone. His screams fill the chamber. I swallow vomit; I'd rather it was aimed at me. 

      Voldemort doesn't bat an eyelash. He waits patiently for Sirius' screams to die out. When there is finally silence once more, he moves on.

      "Remus Lupin," Voldemort ponders. "A werewolf, hm. Could prove useful. Lucius."

      "Crucio!" I brace myself for the awful screams, but they don't come. Remus has gone rigid, but no scream fall from his lips. Voldemort frowns and says coldly, "Lucius, again."

     "Crucio!" Remus' face screws up in pain, and a muscle in his jaw has become defined from what can only be clenching his teeth. Still, no sound escapes him.

      His body relaxes as a smirk plays on his lips. "I go through hell once a month, you really think this is as painful as that."

      A part of me wants to laugh out loud at Remus Lupin's ability to be a smartass in any situation possible; the other part of me wants to strangle him for being so utterly stupid. Voldemort, however, only glares at him, and he does't punish him...yet.

     Voldemort moves again. Now, he stands in front of Lily. My body slams against the ropes holding me to this damn chair. I know there is no chance I can get out of these, but I can't just do nothing.

      "The mudblood," Voldemort sneers. "Lucius."

      "Crucio!" Lily's screams rip through me. Sirius and Remus both turn to look away with pained expressions. I feel her screams in my bones echoing through my soul. It's like physical pain listen to those shrill, tortured wails leave her.

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