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     Two weeks. It's been two weeks since Lily woke me up with tears in her eyes and news that would change the course of her life forever. Two weeks. I've watched as the light has faded from her eyes and the color from her skin. Two weeks. She's like a zombie- shuffling from one class to the next. Two weeks. She only speaks when spoken too; and sometimes, not even then.

    I go to class and do my homework. I keep up with my Head Boy duties and study for my N.E.W.Ts. But, no matter what I'm doing, the worry for her persists in the back of my mind. I would never expect her to get over something like this in two weeks. Hell, I don't know if a person can ever get over something like this, but her behavior is scaring me. I don't know what to do. 

     "Mr. Potter?"

      I look up to see Professor Tate staring at me expectantly. My mouth goes dry as I realize he is waiting for an answer for a question that I didn't hear. 

     "A boggart," Remus whispers under his breath.

     "A boggart, Sir," I repeat automatically.

     Tate narrows his eyes in suspicion, but nonetheless he says, "Very well, Mr. Potter."

     Just as Professor Tate opens his mouth to continue his lecture, and I'm thanking my lucky stars I have Moony- the bell rings. Tate sighs annoyed at his lack of time, but all of the class stands to hurriedly pack their things and make it to lunch. 

     I follow my friends from the room, looking over my shoulder as Lily slowly and deliberately packs away her things. A pang in my chest makes me want to wait on her, but she always wants to be alone. 

     "So, Prongs," Sirius voices pulls me from my thoughts. "How in the name of Merlin did you know that answer? It couldn't be that you had dear old Moony sitting behind you, could it?"

     "Shove off, Pads," I mutter. 

     "Moony," Sirius continues. "You have to start sitting beside me more often."

     Remus answers, but I don't really hear it. My mind is still in the classroom with Lily. I need to make sure she is okay; I can't just leave her there. I feel like it's been ages since we've talked.

     "Hey," I say interrupting whatever Peter is saying, backing away from the group. "I'm going to go find, Lils. I'll meet you lot at lunch in a few minutes."

     I can feel all of their stares on my back as I retreat back the way we came. I walk rather quickly to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, hoping Lily hasn't gotten too far. As I get closer, I hear shouting.

     "You don't get to say sorry to me! This is your fault! Your master did this! You did this! I hate you!" 

     I stop in my tracks, eavesdropping on the fight.

     "I didn't kill them, Lily!" Lily? Is that Snape in their with her? Rage floods my veins, and my feet begin to pound the floor as I run.

     "You good as well did! Your friends did! How could you? How could you become one of them? How could you do this too me? Why not just kill me, Severus? I'm a mudblood, right? What makes me any different?"

      "I would never-"

      "Shut up! Just shut up! I don't care!" 

       I burst through the room, pulling my wand from my robes. Lily stands several feet away from Snape, hands clamped over her ears like a child. Snape stands with his hands outstretched towards her, as if he wants to hold her. Blood pounds in my ears, as I quickly step in front of her. 

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