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     When we finally trudge through the doors of my parents' house, the morning sun has just begun its peek over the horizon. I support Remus' weight on my shoulder as Sirius does the same. Peter pushes ahead in front of us checking for any signs of house elves or my parents. He leads us up the stairs and into Sirius' room. 

     We carefully lay Remus on the bed before drifting to our own prospective parts of the room and collapsing into an immediate slumber. It seems my eyes have only been shut a moment when sudden red light illuminates the inside of my eyelids, and a loud bang sends a chill through my spine.

     In my moment of surprise, I have landed myself on the floor, my glasses knocked aside. A groan escapes my lips as I place my spectacles back on my head. Sirius rubs his eyes next to me as he lets a loud animal-like sound leave his lips. 

     I turn my head slightly to see a fiery red head in the frame of the door. Her arms cross against her chest, an unpleasant look upon her face. Her wand sits loosely between her fingers, and I now no longer have to wonder what the source of the noise was.

     I get to my feet and make my way towards Lily. "Morning, Love," I smile. I lower my face towards her, going in for a kiss, stopping in my tracks when I see her sparkling green eyes, glaring into my soul.

     I take a step back, beginning to recall our goodbye last night. "Come on, Red." Sirius' voice sounds from behind me. "Don't be made at Prongsie." 

     She arches an eyebrow. "I'm mad at all of you!" She shouts throwing her arms to her side, a flush beginning to redden her face.

     A lurch in my gut and the stillness in the air causes a eerie feeling to settle in my bones. Lily turns her attention to Remus, whom looks back at her sadly with those signature brown, puppy dog eyes.

     "Are you really that disgusted, Lily?" He whispers.

     Lily jumps back as if he physically struck her. "What are you talking about, Remus?" She demands.

     "I get it," he mutters darkly. "Not everyone wants to be friends with a werewolf."

     A laugh escapes Lily's lips; her eyes grow large as if she wasn't expecting that sound to leave her. The blood slowly drains from my face. If Lily really is disgusted with Remus, the way so many people are, that would be it for us. I can't be with someone who is so prejudice...even if that person is Lily Evans.

     "You have been hanging out with Sirius much to long, Remus," she says shaking her head with a slight amused expression. "You're turning into a bleeding drama queen. I don't care that you're a werewolf. Hell, you think everyone wants to be friend with a mudblood? At least you can lie about yours. Everyone knows what I am. I'm mad because you gits didn't tell me!"

     Sirius lets out a laugh; I deflate. Of course, Lily Evans would never care what someone else was. 

     "We knew you'd be cool about it. Moony here thinks he's some sort of monster or something," Sirius says.

     I step forward to press my lips to Lily's cheek before saying, "Yeah, it's just a furry little problem. Right, Moony?" I throw my gaze back at Remus.

     He rolls his eyes but doesn't hide his grin. "Can we go back to sleep, now?" Pete speaks up for the first time leaning against the wall, already half asleep.

     Later that night, Lily twirls in my grip underneath the twinkling, Christmas lights. I admire the way her dress slightly spins with her; a look of enjoyment adorns her face as she laughs. I hug her closer to me.

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