The Lady Quill Chronicles - The Promise - Chapter Twenty Four

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Chapter Twenty Four

“Lady Adele, might I beg a moment with you?”

Leofric watched the two women look toward him and was startled to see a strange look of guilt pass over their faces as they broke off their whispered conversation.

“There is something amiss, sir?” it was Lady Adele that spoke and Leofric fancied that her voice was a touch huskier than on the occasion of their last meeting. But her demeanour, apart from that faint flicker of unease, was composed.

“I am afraid so, my lady,” responded Leofric, “a man has been wounded and he…” Leofric was irritated to find that the words caught raw in his throat, “he does not fare well, my lady.”

“I see, Finn said…” Adele broke off flushing painfully.

Great goodness, would it always be thus? Here was yet another person who had known that Lord Rafe was deceiving her. Had he laughed at her, or pitied her? Either thought brought choking rebellion up into her throat.

Lord Rafe mentioned that someone had been hurt,” her voice was determined but it trembled slightly. Leofric heard and even through his own troubles had sympathy for her.

“He is very ill with fever and although we have done what we can for him, he…he,” Leofric was obliged to swallow several times before he could go on, “he does not revive, we know not what more to do for him.”

Adele’s eyes rested, in their softly unfocused way, upon Leofric and that which she saw in his face brought the ache of tears to her throat. His features were restrained as though it were a fight to keep his emotions in check.

“Eda, where are the herbs Mistress Ardith sent with us?”

Adele’s voice was brisk, trying to hide how much this man’s concern for his friend had moved her. Eda pulled a large bag from its hiding place, carefully running a hand over its surface.

“Tis still dry,” her voice was relieved and Adele turned to Leofric again.

“Perhaps if you might lead the way?”

Leofric was hard pressed not to hug her in relief,  he remembered Rafe and decided that his gratitude was not so very overpowering after all.

“Thank you my lady.”


The camp had changed. Adele was not sure what was different, but something was. The daylight had faded an hour since and as she passed into the tent she blinked against the brightness of the fire. The enclosed space held a great many people.


There could be no mistaking his lanky form as he sat in a chair by the fire, but she was shocked to see the worry in his eyes. It dulled somewhat as his gaze fell on her and he looked perplexed.

“Adele, what…?”

“I thought they might be able to help,” came Leofric’s voice.

He was not actually in the tent, for Adele had stopped barely a step into the room and Eda had been forced to halt behind her, leaving Leofric neither in nor out. He gave Eda a hefty shove and propelled both ladies inside.

Adele’s eyes travelled to the man laying on the makeshift bed. The last time she had seen him she had thought him to be her betrothed. She blushed faintly and moved towards the bed, placing her hand on his brow. Her fingers were cold from the night air but even so she knew that he was much too hot, he seemed almost to radiate as much heat as the fire.

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