The Lady Quill Chronicles - The Promise - Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

“He should tell her the truth.”

Leofric raised an eyebrow in Finan’s direction.

“Fine, but this time you can tell him so.”

Finan shook his head.

“He’d not listen and besides, tis not my place,” he looked out into the mist shrouded camp. “I wish Lord Brogan were here, perhaps he could make Rafe see sense.”

“Perhaps it is not needed.”

“What do you mean?”

Leofric shrugged.

“Maybe it is our intervention he is unwilling to take, it does not follow that he deems our counsel incorrect.”

“You think he plans to tell her?”

Leofric rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

“Rafe knows what he’s doing,  until now the course he has chosen to pursue has done more good than harm, now that the reverse is true he will set things straight.”

Finan lapsed into meditative silence for a few moments.

“I am not so sure, there was something so strange about him today, his anger against Rand was…I do not know, but it was somehow unlike him.”

“We were all angry, how could we not be?” shrugged Leofric. “And you know that in personal matters Rafe has never been cool headed, tis only when the argument does not touch him that he is capable of diplomacy.”

“Perhaps,” Finan’s voice was non committal. “Yet I had the strangest fancy that it was not only Evoric’s death that incited that rage.”

Leofric glanced at his friend sharply, he too had thought that there was more to Rafe’s fury than the happenings of the past. Instead of saying so however he asked what had put such a notion into Finan’s head.

“I do not know, he seemed to resent so much Rand’s claim on Lady Adele.”

“Would not you?”

“Maybe,” Finan’s eyes met Leofric’s with worry in their depths. “But not so violently.”

“Come Finan, we both know Rafe…”

“Not like this,” interrupted Finan evenly. “Rafe has a temper and loses it as often as not…but have you ever felt the need to interrupt a fight that he was engaged in before, as you did today? We both know that you would never have imagined that you would need to.”

“He had not slept in two days!”

“I have seen him negotiate the most difficult and delicate surrender after two days without sleep, never once did his anger or impatience get the better of him then, and you cannot say it did not touch him personally, for his men’s lives were at stake.”

“But this is different: Lady Adele will be his bride, this thing touches his pride and honour.”

Finan was not satisfied and opened his mouth to argue but before he could say a word a young soldier called his, or rather Rafe’s, name.

“What is it Kenric?”

“A messenger from Lord Merrodon, Lord Rafe, he begs that you come quickly to Merrodon.”

“Did he say why?”

“No, my lord, only that it was a personal matter.”

Finan sighed heavily.

“Very well Kenric, you had best fetch my horse.”

The soldier nodded and left.

“Would you like me to accompany you…Lord Rafe?” asked Leofric, his bow tinged with irreverence.

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