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"HARUKA!" Jungkook called, "what is it?" I stared down into my book not bothering to look up. "Where's my lunch?" He pouted. "Here" I slowly brought two boxes out if my bag. "Y-you actually made it!" His eyes beamed in happiness."shut up and eat it" I mumbled under my breath. "Thank You For The Food!!" He clapped his hands together. "Jeez how can you get so excited over one little thing" I whispered to myself hoping he wouldn't hear it.

'OMFG why is Jungkook Oppa over there? She is such a slut! She is not even pretty!'

I looked over to a girl glaring at me, I raised my eyebrow "OMFG why is Jungkook Oppa over there? She is such a slut! She is not even pretty!" I imitated her voice. She took a step back as Jungkook eyes widened as he tried to hold back his laughter. The class eyes widened as it was like the first sentence that came out of me. "H-how did you know?!" She accused me. "Your face" I chewed on some dumplings. "OMG HARUKA YOU ARE SO AWESOME!" Jungkook hugged me. I jumped in shock and nodded slightly. I noticed two students staring at me, one was a short nerdy kid and the other was a pretty girl. Jungkook glanced at me following my gaze which landed on them. "What do you want?" Jungkook growled. Wow this is the first time I heard him in such a tone. "Oh ah!! I'm um....Kuseke!" The girl nudged the little boy. "Would you like to join our club" he offered straightforwardly. I sighed and shook my head 'no'. "C'mon Haruka" Jungkook whined. "No" I muttered.

Time skip

"HOW DID I GET HERE?!" I yelled with my hands tied up and when I sat on the chair. "AND HOW COME HE IS NOT TIED UP?!" I yelled kicking my feet. "Because I didn't try to run" Jungkook laugh sitting in the hair beside me. "Ok let me ask again, will you join our c-" "NOOOOO!" I wailed. "We know your secret" the girl looks at me with dark eyes. "Y-you do?" I stuttered. "Yes" her eyes sparkled. "Prove it" I stared back at her. "Ok" she shrugged.

'Haruka is tied up, when she flailed her legs her skirt flew up and I saw- mmmmmm''

I blushed madly beside cutting the ropes loose and slapping Jungkook lightly on the cheeks to make him snap out of it. "So you can mind read" the smaller boy cupped his hands. "Yes" I sat back down in my seat. "Well you are in this club then!" The girl clapped happily. "What?! I didn't agree!" I slammed my hands down into the table. "Well if you don't agree we will spread you secret to the school" they smiled. "W-wa? Isn't that blackmail?! JUNGKOOK!" I whined. "What? You should join a club" he suggested. "Fine" I grunted slumping down in my chair. "Yay!! My name is Una the Vice President and Kuseke the president" Una clapped her hands. "Are you a...unnie?" I asked. "Hm? Oh yep!" She smiled. "You can call me oppa then" Kuseke put a thumbs up. "Wait does that mean? YOUR YOUNGER THAN ME?!" Jungkook gasped. "Yea.." I muttered. "I don't like being called oppa" he grunted. "Lots of people call you oppa even I they are older than you" I explained. "Yea..HOW YOU KNOW THAT?" He freaked out. I pointed to my head and sighed. "Oh sorry sorry, I forgot" he laughed.

"WE SHALL DO OUR FIRST CLUB ACTIVITY WITH HARUKA- AH AFTER SCHOOL!" Una unnie announced. "Who else is in the club" I asked looking up to the booming voice. "Um Jungkook and 6 other guys" Kuseke oppa counted. I nodded not wanting to answer. "We will meet at xxxx address at 5:00 pm!" Una unmie gave us each a paper. "Oh and before you leave, can you sing?" Una unnie looked at me. " a little" I mumbled. "Ooh show us" she wiggled her eyebrows. "Um ok" I started sing soft until I felt more confident.

They cheered me on clapping their hands.

I kept on singing not caring anymore.

'She is unbelievably BAD at this!"

My eyes widened as tears formed at the edges at my eyes. "Yah!" I wailed running out if the club room. "WAIT HARUKA!!! YOU HAVE A NICE VOICE ITS JUST YOU NEED TO WORK ON YOUR TONES!!! HARUKAAAAA!!!" Jungkook called out to me. I shook my head going back to class.

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