Chapter Ten

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*Harrys POV*

I spent a week with my mum but I decided it was time I moved on. And if the boys did decide to come looking for me, there would be the first place.

When I left my mum's, I spent about 3 hours looking around estate agents. I found one house that I quite liked. The estate agent took me on an half hour tour and I came to the conclusion that this is where I wanted to spend the rest of my life.


I'd almost finished furnishing but was disrupted by the sound of my phone buzzing. I unlocked my phone, revealing a text from Louis.

From Louis (5:37pm):

"I'm gonna find you x"

Sighing, I closed my phone. Great, he's been told. But I felt assured that neither he or the others would find me.

This is where my 'moving on' phase begins.

Tomorrow, I will go on a tour of my new home town. Hopefully find some decent clubs or bars. Maybe even pick myself up a girl.

I don't even know if I'm gay or bisexual- I'd only ever been attracted to Lou.

I mentally pinched myself, stop thinking about Louis.

- - -

The morning sun shone through my undrawn curtains, causing me to squint as my eyes watered.

I glanced at the clock as I climbed out of bed. It's 8:45am. So early.

I made myself a bowl of cereal, downing it in no time. After breakfast I went back to my room, got changed and set off on the town tour.

In all honesty, I don't even know what town I'm in.

What seemed like thousands of people brushed passed me, not taking a second glance at my contorted face.

I'm lost already. There doesn't seem to be any bars in this part of town. I kept my head down, so no one would suspect I was lost.

"Hmph" I collided with a passing citizen.

"I'm so sorry, mate." I said.

"It's no problem, you are?"

"Harry, Harry Styles, you?"

"I'm Stan."

"Nice to meet you, Stan." I replied, holding out my hand. He shook in firmly and replied 'you too.'

"Um, I'm kinda lost." I admitted sheepishly.

"Oh, come with me mate."


He pushed his way into a practicality empty bar. Grabbing two chairs, he gestured to me.

"Where do you live, Harry?"

"1092 spaniard lane, what about you?" I asked.

"Not that far from you actually! I live at 1096!" He exclaimed.

We carried on talking and drinking for at least 4 hours. We decided we should call it a night and headed home.

"I like you, Styles." He called out to me as I unlocked my door. I whipped my head around, causing me to topple over. I landed heavily on my bum and Stan made his way over, chuckling.

"What you doing down there?" He asked, now with a serious face.

"Oh, I d'know, just thought I'd see what it's like down here." I laughed.

"You're cute, Harry." Before I could react, he slammed his lips against mine.

His lips felt soft, yet there was still a roughness to them. His tongue fought angrily against my lips in attempt to get access. Eventually I gave in, and let him roam around my mouth.

He pulled away and whispered, "I knew you didn't love Lou."

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