Chapter Eight

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*Louis' POV*

I got home after my night out with Eleanor. I set down my keys and slumped down on the sofa next to El. I pulled out my phone and saw a voicemail from Harry.

"Hey Louis, it's Harry- obviously- Fuck I'm so nervous, sorry. I jus-just wanted to say thank you for being in my life. You honestly made it so much better whilst you were there. Well that all changed when Eleanor came, you probably didn't notice but I couldn't handle it. I'm sorry, but I thought you loved me- can't believe how wrong I was. I heard you that night y'know. That night you brought her home and whispered sweet 'I love you's to each other. It hurt Louis. It broke me, you broke me. But I'll never stop loving you, that's why I have to do this. I know you said to move on, so I guess this is my way. Bye, I'll miss you boobear."

WHAT!? Harry, no! I dialed his number. No answer. I tried several times but nothing.

To Liam (8:12pm):

"What's up with Harry? Is he alright?"

From Liam (8:16pm):

"You would know if you'd been there."

To Liam (8:17pm):

"What's going on, Li! Tell me !!"

From Liam (8:18pm):

"Harry's dead. Thanks to you. Bye."

To Liam (8:19pm):

"No! You're lying! No, he wouldn't."

Would he? Well I heard the fucking voicemail. He seemed so upset. Fuck, I'm so selfish. This is all my fault.

"What's wrong, Lou?" Eleanor soothed.

"H-H-Harry, he's gone." I sobbed into her shoulder.

"Gone where?"

"HE'S DEAD! AND IT'S ALL MY FAULT!" I screamed and ran out the apartment.

I need to go to the hospital.


"Excuse me, can you tell me about Harry Styles?"

"Um, he died a while ago, Sir. I'm sorry."

Hearing it confirmed just made me crumble. I fell to the floor, kicking the reception desk.

"What did he die from?"

"An overdose, why?"

"I just wanted to know." I spoke sheepishly.

I don't really know why I chose to ask. Maybe it was a plan.

"I love you, Harry!" I whispered. Just sorry it isn't how you wanted it to be.

I saw a head of curls leaving the hospital. He's alive?

"Harry! Harry, stop! Wait!" I called.

The boy didn't even react. Maybe it wasn't him. I'm imagining it.

I miss you, Harry.

For the first time in my life, I wanted to be gay. It wasn't something I chose last time, but it was something I chose to get out of.

The hate was too much, so I left. But at least Eleanor can help me handle his death. I wish I didn't love her like I do.


*Harrys POV*

I was walking out the hospital next to my mum when I heard Louis shouting behind me. 'Don't turn around, don't' I willed myself.

"Harry! Harry, stop! Wait!" He called.

I pushed my way out, without looking back. I need to be strong. If I couldn't have him, I couldn't have any of them.

I hate secrets, which makes this all the harder. I really need to tell the boys. They won't tell Louis if I ask them not to.

I clicked Nialls' number and it began ringing.

"Hello? Who is this?"

"Don't scream, but it's Harry."

"Harry?! I thought you were dead, mate. No offence."

"I made the doctor say that, I'm sorry."


"I'll come to yours in a bit, are the others there?"

"All but Louis."

"Yeah I just saw him, he saw me but I guess he thought he was imagining it."

"I'm so glad you're alive anyway, see ya in a bit mate.- Who's that?" I heard in the background. "It's Harry."

"See ya, Ni." I pressed end call.

"Mum, can you drop me off at Nialls please?"

"Yeah, I just heard your call, love, I'm so glad you're telling someone." She smiled at me. I nodded at her.


10 minutes later we arrived outside Nialls.

"Do you want me to pick you up later?"

"I'll call you, thanks mum."

- -

I knocked lightly on Nialls' door. Seconds later it opened and the irish boy lunged himself at me.

"Hey, Nialler."

"Harry! I've missed you!"

"I've only been gone like 2 hours?" I laughed.

Zayn and Liam appeared behind him. "2 hours too long, mate."

"You're so cute, Zayn." I chuckled.

They pulled me into a group hug. "Don't ever leave again." Liam warned.

"I promise."

- -

3 hours later, after telling them why I did it, I heard a knock at the door.

"I'll get it!" Niall called, through his mouthful.

"Louis?" He greeted.

Shit. I gave a worried look to Zayn and Liam and they shoved me into the bathroom.

"What do you want?" Zayn asked, coldly.

"I-I can't deal with this alone."

"You've got Eleanor, fuck off Louis."

Why were they being so hard on him? I couldn't come out and tell them to stop it as it would reveal my secret. Fuck, this is a mess.

"I know I have her, but I want Harry."

"Don't we all, go home, Louis."

"Why are you being like this?" Louis sobbed.

"We know everything." Liam added. "We heard the voicemail, now get out please."

I heard the door click softly. Phew, Louis was gone. I re entered the living room and sat next to Liam.

"You heard it?" I asked.

"Yeah, sorry mate." Niall said.

I shook my head, "Don't worry boys, you would have found out eventually."

"What are you going to do now?" Zayn asked.

"I really don't know, just get away from Louis."

I never thought I would be saying those words. I thought it was Louis and I for life. I'm not wrong about a lot, but I definitely was when it came to Louis.

I thought he loved me. I thought I was his everything, like he was mine.

I need to move on.

"I have to go lads...see you soon, maybe"

'Maybe' was what killed me. I couldn't see them without seeing Louis or being reminded about Louis.

I have to cut all ties and that means losing my best friends.

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