Chapter Four

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*Harrys POV*

I fell back against the bed. In a way I regretted not getting drunk. I was still able to think about Louis and I certainly didn't want that. I needed some sort of release.

I tried taking a couple of painkillers in attempt to numb the pain. It was physical and emotional pain.

I was running out of ideas to take away the pain. I plunged into the drawer and fished out a knife.

Trembling, I held it against my pale skin. I was crying hard now. Slice. I dragged the blade across, groaning in pain. Slice. I was already feeling better.

Not that I could feel good in this situation at all but cutting helped.


I stared down at the 7 fresh cuts on my wrist. I sighed. What has my life come to. I slowly pulled myself up, cleaning my cuts in the bathroom.

I watched as the crimson liquid washed down the sink. Tears were now mixed into the solution. I dabbed my cheeks dry and got changed into a long sleeve t-shirt and sweats.

I climbed into the bed in the spare room, falling asleep almost instantly as my head hit the pillow.

The last thing I heard before I was in a deep sleep was Louis.

"Hey Harry! I'm home." His voice sounded so cheery.


* Louis' POV*

No reply. I stepped further in the house, noting his shoes stacked carefully against the wall. He was definitely home. I released a sigh of relief.

I shrugged off my coat, pulling out my phone to check the time. 11:16pm.

Harry was probably sleeping. I headed up the stairs to our bedroom. Silently, I opened the door, careful not to wake Harry.

He wasn't in bed. I ran over to the bathroom. No one there.

I stopped outside the spare room. A dim light seeped under the door. Why was Harry in there?

Again I pushed open the door, without a sound. I stood over his sleeping body. "I'm sorry Harry." I pressed a kiss into his forehead and left without a sound.

- - - - - -

Early in the morning, I packed some stuff and left, before Harry woke up. These last few weeks have been hard. 'Dating' Eleanor was always the priority. Not for me, but for management.

She was extremely pretty, I saw straight through managements plan, they picked someone really pretty to make me fall for them. Stop loving Harry and stop me being gay.

It was working.

The more time I spent with her, the less I felt for Harry. I would come home every night and try to assure myself of my feelings for him. But him sleeping in the other room just threw it for me.

He didn't want to be around me when I needed him the most.

Although, I didn't need him. I had Eleanor.

- -

"Hey El!" I screamed, dumping my bags down in her living room. "That offer of moving in still available?" I winked.

"Of course babe." She replied, excitedly. "Why?"

"I-I'm not sure how I feel about Harry anymore."

Her face seemed to light up. "Does that mean I've got you all to myself?"

I smiled back at her. "Yes."


*Harrys POV*

"I'm sorry Harry." Louis announced as he left. Left for the last time. I just sat there, unable to move, unable to react. My Boobear, gone. I tried calling after him but no words left my lips. My mind went blank and I was pulled into darkness.

"Guuhhh." I gasped for breath as I sat upright in bed. I scanned the room, I was in the spare room. It must have just been a dream.

The clock revealed it was 10:23am. Louis probably wouldn't be up yet, considering it was a Saturday. I couldn't face him yet. Not after seeing him so happy with her.


I made myself breakfast. It was now 10:56am. Louis still hadn't surfaced. In a way I was thankful but I was also concerned.

I put down my bowl of lucky charms. I stood nervously outside our room. *Knock Knock* I patted on the door. No answer. "Louis? Lou, you in there?"

Again, no response. Once I had built up the courage, I prised the door open. It revealed a slightly messed up bed. But the bed was empty.

To Louis (11:02am):

"Where are you? Xx"

From Louis (11:03am):

"Sorry mate, had to go Eleanors"

No kiss.

To Louis (11:04am):

"Had to or chose to?"

It wasn't exactly obvious from the text, but I was angry and upset. My phone buzzed seconds later.

From Louis (11:04am):

"I chose to, I'm moving out."

Those six words completely broke me. He was choosing her, over me. What makes her better than me? Just because management wanted him to be straight, he didn't actually have to change.

To Niall (11:06am):

"Get here. Now"

I needed a distraction else I would just slice my skin again. Although, I might as well, right? I mean my own boyfriend doesn't want me.


Minutes later, Niall and Zayn appeared on my doorstep.

"It's open, lads" It took all my strength to say that without my voice breaking from the constant sobs.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong?" Zayn sat down almost on top of me and Niall sat on the other side.

"L-Louis" I sobbed. Niall and Zayn exchanged confused looks.

"What about Louis?" Niall asked.

"He-he left me, f-for Eleanor"

Niall pulled me into a tight hug. He tried his best but he really couldn't comfort me. No one could. I needed Louis. But Louis was gone.

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