Chapter Seven

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*Harrys POV*

I heard the boys leave. I felt two cold, metal blocks against my chest. I was jolted awake.

"Hey Harry, do you know where you are?"

"H-hospital?" I questioned the doctor. He nodded.

"I'm Doctor Patel, so glad you woke up, your friends are outside."

"No no, please don't tell me. I can't do this."

"What do you mean, Sir?"

"Um uh, pretend I didn't wake up? Please?"

"That's not allowed Harry-"

"I'll just lay here whilst they do whatever, then I'll go my separate way. Please." I insisted.

He slowly nodded. "I'll go get them"

My eyes followed him out. As the door shut behind him, I clenched my eyes shut tight.

This couldn't be so hard. I breathed in deep and held my breath as they entered the room.

"Why Harry? Why did you leave us? We love you so much!" Niall sobbed. I felt so guilty for doing this to them. But now I have to be strong and leave this life behind.

"We're going to miss you, Harry" Zayn added. Liam leant over and draped his arms around me, I had to fight the urge to hug back.

"I'm sorry." He whispered.

I'm sorry too, I thought to myself. Leaving this life, leaving them was going to be so hard, but it's what I needed to move on from Louis.

"What are we gonna tell Louis?" Zayn asked.

"We-we can't tell him." Liam responded.

"We need to inform his mum" Niall realised.

"On it." Zayn spoke before heading out the room.

- -

Moments later, Zayn re entered my room. "She's on her way"

"We should get off when she gets here, Louis'll get suspicious" Liam added.

The room fell silent. I occasionally heard them scuffing their feet against the floor. They would sometimes cough to try and relieve the tension.

"Hi boys" My Mum greeted and planted a kiss on my forehead. It was so hard not to react to her touch. It would have been so much worse if Louis was here.

"We're just heading off, I'm so sorry Anne, anything you need help with just ask." Niall sympathised.

I couldn't see her facial expressions but she suddenly asked where Louis was. Zayn made up a quick lie about him being ill back the the flat.

- -

I was alone with my mum. She was going to be the only person I'd tell.

My eyes burst open. "Don't scream, Mum."


"Shh, yeah I'm fine, Mum."

"But they said you were-"

I wouldn't let her finish that sentence. "Yeah. I know but I need to escape that life, it's the only way I could think of?"

"Has this got anything to do with Louis?" I was taken-a-back by her sudden interigation.

"How did you know, Mum?"

"Why isn't Louis here? And don't lie to me like they did."

I gulped. She would know if I was lying so here it goes.

"He's on a date, with Eleanor" My voice grew disheartened at her name. "He moved out as well."

"Does he know about your feelings?"

He probably does know.

"What do you mean probably does know?" She questioned.

"Did I say my thoughts out loud?" I retorted.

"Yes dear, now explain."

I went into my long story about the suicide note I had left on Louis' phone. She noddded constantly throughout my explanation. I knew she understood. I could always count on my mum.

"C'mon, lets get you out of here" Her words sounded like heaven.

A/N: Sorry this is a rubbish chapter but he's alive:D

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